Category Topics

New to Adaptation Agriculture? Start here

The Landrace Gardening course is free and pretty comprehensive.

Adaptation Projects

Please share your pictures, ideas, and stories! People here love seeing what you’re up to. Each post you make here is designed to follow your plants or crop over the season, and ideally, over the years.

General Discussions

Talk about anything adaptation-related you want. Share something inspiring or interesting, or ask questions of the community. You can add relevant tags to your post to make them more searchable.

Farmer Projects 2024

We look forward to hearing about your projects!
Think of this space as a journal space or blog for your year(s) of local adaptation.

Resource Hub

Useful things

Site Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.


Off Topic

This category is for gardening or similar topics that people are interested in that aren’t about landrace gardening. Other gardening methods, etc.

Going to Seed

All things related to the organization – Going to Seed