In what order should traits be selected?

Wow, smart melons! Hmmmm, I wonder. Maybe if you leave them on the counter for a week, you can see if any of them will finish ripening off the vine? There aren’t many cantaloupes that will do that, but there are a few, so it’s a trait that’s possible to find in the species. If they’re trying to “trick” you into harvesting them sooner, maybe they’re willing to offer after-vine ripening, as a complement to it. That would be useful!

I’m sorry to hear the raccoons appreciated your trellises. (Laugh.) I suspect that was not your goal!

Cantaloupes are really easy to ripen inside, you just need a brown paper bag and a banana. I should clarify, these are technically ripe inside when picked, they just aren’t ripe enough to eat yet (for me?). I will usually pick my cantaloupe as soon as they start showing some yellow, otherwise the raccoons will often tear or bite one chunk out and ruin them. And then leave them on the counter for a week or so before refrigerating or eating.

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If you ripen them with a banana, will that get them sweeter? There are a few melons that will sweeten after picking if you give them a few months on the shelf – Piel de Sapo and Christmas melon are the only ones I know of, but there may very well be more.

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