Of my 4 banana melons, 2 continued ripening off the vine. I am assuming this continued ripening also contributes to worse storage (as it goes from ripening to rotting)?
If you have a short growing season, you may want melons that ripen off the vine which would make them worse to store, so you may have conflicting selecting criteria if you want both?
This year we’d love and appreciate seeds from all the melons that you thought were delicious. I love to hear about people’s specific requests (color changing when ripe, texture) but I realize that being more specific than delicious and vigorous for Going to Seed at this point won’t help increase diversity or supply.
And if they are extra early or you live in a cold place love to hear about that for the ‘polar’ mix. My fog-adapting melon population mostly started with the Lofthouse Oliverson melons took giant strides this year so I’m excited to send some of those out to people who think they can’t grow melons.
Melon photo challenge: If you have diverse melons post your photos here for the website and social media!
This year is a little different for sending in seeds, so when you’re ready, here is the form to fill out that collects the details of the melons and you’ll get a shipping label. [Melon Seeds Form](Muskmelon Seed Contributions)