About the 2024 Grow Reports - GTS all the mixes category

Share how the 2024 GTS seeds are doing in your garden. Photos, challenges, successes, we are here for ALL OF IT.


A post was split to a new topic: Quinoa- 2024 Grow Reports

My GTS fava beans grew to be about a foot tall, then died. Im sure I put them in too late, I have to plant them in the fall, when the temperatures here are on a cooling trend, Arizona zone 10. Or I have to keep them for the year and plant in the following January so they can grow before it gets too hot for them.
I planted a sweet corn swarm I have on hand with about 25 heirloom varieties, all colors, all 70 days or less until harvest. Then I companion planted with GTS Runner beans and Maximum Diversity bean seeds.
Fukuoka grab bag seeds were hand broadcasted after lightly raking the ground so small seeds could sprout well, the larger seeds were just lightly poked into the ground approximately 1.5 inches or so.
Beans are flowering and producing pods. I’ll

still save seed from what I can, and get a few dinners out of what is harvested.

I haven’t planted the true potato seed, chives, ground cherry as of yet. Those will be planted in the fall as soon as it cools off to 90 degrees. They will be direct sow into the garden.
Im also collecting arugala, kale, and radish seed with each in its own container to thrash and get seed seperated. Hoping to contribute to GTS for next years growing season.

Here are a few interesting pepos from the GTS Pepo mix that I’m getting. Can anyone tell me what this warty looking lemon squash is? I’ve never seen anything like it before. It has very tough skin.

The other one one looks like a mix of grey zucchini or romanesco with a yellow squash.