I have attached images of my little beet project. A couple of beets were interesting enough for me to put back in the ground for hopeful seed production.
Hopefully they will produce me a little inbred line of gigantic golden beets that grow well in the Deep South of US in clay dirt. I guess “Golden Goose” or “Golden Egg” would be a nice name if it’s not already taken.
I also have a little patch of beets that were bred for raw taste. I don’t think they are ready for testing yet.
I used maybe a dozen unique varieties. All I have leftovers on is Evansville Ember, Blushing Not Bashful, Kamuolini 2, and Golden Grex.
I know I used all the varieties you named except Mangel. I used the standard most popular retail varieties found at hardware stores and feed stores.
The 2 special varieties bred for raw taste I am excited about are in the image below. I saved a packet of each of them to try again should the first attempt fail to produce. I planted a packet of each out in a separate patch.
I have no idea when I sowed these seeds. I remember it was really hot, like early to mid fall. It was scorched earth out there. These were the top percentile in dealing with that trauma.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the beets you see in the harvest image are way past due in terms of the length of days stated on the seed packet. I have them sitting outside in a bucket tonight since we are in the 40 degree range. I will clean them up tomorrow and will probably pickle some of them and figure out how to cook the rest of them.
After cleaning and cutting the beets, I decided to put 3 additional beets back in the ground. All 3 are unique and representative of different varieties. This is a test to see if they can survive a rigorous cleaning process. They were scrubbed, skinned, and top and bottom were cut off. If they survive, I can imagine an easier testing process later. I don’t really care if they fail.
The 2 large golden beets pulled through. The few beets I processed more and replanted later have not put up leafy green growth. I don’t know if they will make it or not.