Canadian ground cherry project

If you’re in Canada and interested in participating in a ground cherry project, this is a way to support citizen breeding and to obtain some diverse, Canadian-adapted seed that you can go on top select however you want after sending theirs in.


I hope at some point we get tons of projects like they have there. Seeds shared with direct guidelines on how to return seed. That’s such a cool idea to me

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What a great organization, thanks for reminding me about them @Greenstorm, I’ve been poking around the whole site.
I wish we had/somebody would volunteer to make a graphical explanation of our program kind inspired by theirs.

Also these printable materials, some of which they print professionally and mail you on request. Future goals…

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oh something to think about. I personally see it as something that each person puts on their own landrace entries for anyone that wants to join them in their landrace. They define the criteria that they’re looking for, and offer seeds to anyone looking to help them. We as a group could do this as part of the main seed library with simple criteria like they have on the ground cherries (easy to harvest and good flavor), and those could be added to the labels for the seed. I do think though that any time we expect people to return seeds to us (us meaning individuals or us meaning the seed library) there should be a simple bullet list of what to select for :slight_smile: even if it’s just - make sure that the ones you save taste good