I don’t generally make links or comment on things I read but this article caught my eye and I think is quite relevant, at least to me. Climate Study
Climate change is the single most motivating factor in why I, over the last twenty years or more, have been making changes in how I garden and in what crops I plant. I have no idea about the people or organizations that did this study nor their credibility and can’t offer a guess at about the accuracy of their main topic about the eastward movement of drier conditions. Plus, I am still another 1000 miles east of what they describe as a new line of demarcation.
Still a couple of things in the article caught my eye and I thought I would quote and comment on them.
“…that as this drying trend continues, farms further east will need to combine and grow to survive. Farmers would need to adapt or use irrigation, or change crops.”
I don’t know about the need but farms in my area have combined and grown, fewer and larger. The old family farms of my childhood were gone a long time ago but now the few hundred-acre mono-culture farms have consolidated into thousands of acres. More alarming to me is the giant irrigation systems on wheels, completely non-existent thirty years ago, are everywhere now.
“According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the growth of farm size associated with consolidation leads to landscape simplification. This can lead to monocultures (fields of one plant species) replacing natural vegetation. Larger farms also require more fertilizers and pesticides.”
That is also true. Driving north toward Indianapolis or west toward Illinois I see giant spray machines in the fields, laying down clouds of I don’t know what, both on bare soil and on growing crops. In harvest season I see helicopters spraying a fog over soybeans and corn. I’m told they are killing the plants in order to make the entire crop dry down uniformly.
Even though these sites have been increasing for twenty years or more it is still alien to me. It never used to be that way and I don’t see any indication it will do anything other than intensify.
Sorry to ramble or rant and I recognize climate change is a taboo topic in many arenas so if someone wants to make this post disappear, I won’t mind.