To my understanding, here’s the latest published list (by no means comprehensive but still extensive) of cell fusion free varieties in vegetable production. Some surprises in there.
As aside: I focus very heavily on B. rapa diversity for overwintering under cover. Given, for one, Sakata’s early heavy emphasis on GMO tech, I suspect much of the classic Asian material I’m seeing in recent years is likely CMS. I made a seed representative squirm simply by questioning him the likelihood of CMS in ‘Miz America’ mizuna when it first appeared some years back and totally redefined the crop type. He said, likely, given its provenance. I’ve deybridized Joi Choi F1 in the past. I’d definitely include it any B. rapa grex. It’s remarkable. Frank Morton’s Wild Garden Seed is our best bet for clean and extensive B. rapa diversity, though for how long I’m not entirely sure. Frank’s slowing down and turning his emphasis towards flowers these days.