Cool Weather Melon Adventures

It does seem growth is quite similar to mine from june 30 on. 10-15days difference then and at ripe fruits. I don’t think I can afford even that little delay unless I luck out with weather, but it’s interesting to see how they grow unassisted with similar temperature range. What kinda night lows you get during early summer and late season? Proximity to ocean must help keep extreme cold out. Is warmest part of summer there in late season like it seems to be in San Francisco based on averages (september, although barely).

Right now nighttime low is 42F, 6C, about the same as June I think. And you’re right, there’s never extreme cold. Although last year had plenty of frosty nights though in January.

This makes me think about seed treatment with Johnson-Su compost and the effect it has on the need for nitrogen and phosphorus in crops like corn. Some growers have completely eliminated nitrogen and phosphorus applications by simply applying a compost slurry to seeds and sometimes one foliar application. It would be very interesting to see what would happen to crops where the seed was saved year to year and if they carry those bacteria from the slurry in the seed the next year. I’m hoping to be able to test this myself, I’m just now building my reactor though, so it will be a while.

That is interesting. So endophytes might be the reason the JS application rates can be so low, and it’s still effective… Let us know what you find.

This is fabulous Julia. Gives me hope that I can grow tasty melons.