Growing the adaptation community in Denmark

I’m starting this thread to document the development of an adaptation community here in Denmark. I’m approaching this in a similar way to developing local adaptation in plants - building community is also a multi-year project, it takes care and attention, it takes maintenance and lots of repetitive behaviors with a clear purpose. All the while allowing mistakes, serendipity and the intelligence of the local conditions. It also gives a very similar kind of joy to see growing.

I’m documenting this here partly to open up for strategic discussion and input from the wider community on next steps as well as inspiring others to have success in their own regions. The stated goal of Going to Seed is to inspire a shift in agriculture. For that, we need to interface and collaborate with masses of people, first kindle an openness to doing something different, then grow that into an interest and finally support that interest to mature into a passion. We will need to this many thousands of times to shift agriculture. So I’d like to talk more with you about how to do it.

In Denmark, we have a few long-time landrace gardeners here that have worked with diverse seed for some time and also exchange through the local seed saving association. Veteran GTS member @Tanjaeskildsen has one of her feet in Denmark, I believe, and some of you also know the work of Anders Borgen, who works congenially with diverse grain. I especially want to explore how to get the new generation of gardeners interested in seed.

In 2024, long-time landrace gardeners @Logan and @Soeren came by to add some and take some when the Serendipity Seed Swap came my way. I’m happy that our shared interest is making me some new friends too. In the fall, we organized the first installment of a gardener/chef meet-up focused on plant breeding at my school in collaboration with the seed saver association: Future Heirloom: Event with Joseph in Copenhagen 20th October. My idea with this event is that it could become a platform to develop initiatives for participatory plant breeding with a culinary focus. After that event, two members joined the community, @Markus and @Hermann.Werner, and things started stirring other places.

I’m happy to say that an informal seed swap network helped along by @Hekseringen and based on having the seed chain in Copenhagen last fall has now grown considerably. At our second meeting this week we were 8-9 people. Most of the group are professional gardeners or on their way to become it. We’ve decided to have at least 2 yearly seed meetings (late fall and late winter) with possible farm trips in the season. Most members have picked a few crops to try to grow out with diverse seed this year and we’ve decided that we will focus on documentation (images, especially comparing with common named varieties). With the goal of eventually bringing the experiences to a larger shared gardener network (regenerative farming network). Several are taking the online courses and I hope some of them will join this forum too.


If I do a strategic analysis with 10 tips of my experience with the collective in my territory. :slightly_smiling_face:

what works very well for increase the community :

  1. Include everyone and of all levels :
    novice gardener receive seeds of old varieties of experienced gardeners who themselves receive seeds of landrace varieties of adaptative gardeners who themselves receive genetic material from scientists… :beans:

  2. Making sustainable agriculture more fun and joyful without political label :
    In France the permaculture farmers still suffer too much from the image of hippies who live poorly in the woods with strong political commitment.
    We had made at the very beginning short and humorous videos about ecology, people loved it when they wondered who these sweet crazy guys were ! :crazy_face:
    If you are in the urban codes, young, funny, collaborative… you start to send back an image that attracts other people outside the circle.

  3. Shake up local agriculture :
    experiment and multiply the number of new cultures, get out of old machines that remind them of their youth.
    Don’t hesitate to say with humor that your territory will soon dethrone China in rice production :grin:. Of course you will plant rice, not succeed in making it grow but if you communicate and laugh about this story farmers will be happy of this parenthesis which will distance them from their economic reality by often hard.

  4. Communicate everywhere, all the time on the subject :
    local press, radio, TV, social media, in market discussions… When people start hearing this story of adaptive gardening several times in different places the most curious will come very quickly.
    The communication strategy must be built as a trap from which people can no longer get out :upside_down_face:

what works very well for being recognized :

  1. Get into action ! :
    The best way to convince people is by taking action. Speak but act fast! :timer_clock:
    Set up collective fields, people do not want to lose their habit immediately in their garden but they are ready to test very quickly on a common ground (we made calls to people who would have unoccupied fields or pieces of land)

  2. Enhance your results :
    Make processed products that will be tasted at your next events (breads, juices, soups, spreads…), culinary tastings with restaurant chefs who will sublimate your productions…
    Even if you haven’t yet reached your taste expectations on the products, the taste professionals are here today to sublimate your work and make people say that you have the best products in the country! :grinning:

what works very well for keeping the energy of the troops :

  1. mechanize your actions :
    The first year can be manual with a folk side but not the second one otherwise no one will come to help you ! Buy old machines that you will restore in a group, be inventive and don’t hesitate to upgrade them. This will save a lot of time for volunteers who will remain invested long. :muscle:

  2. The products of your actions should benefit especially for the volunteers. Distribute agricultural productions, seeds…etc. :gift: Sales are needed to finance the actions but only for people outside the community who don’t help.

what works very well for ensure a long-lasting collective :

  1. always be inventive, never in monotomy :
    New projects all the time, in new forms, with new collaborations, in new places…
    Never be where you are expected ! Be a collective that has 100 ideas per minute! :bulb: It gives energy to people, they likes this positive spiral

  2. Open your heart to 200% :heart_eyes:, talk with conviction and passion, always go in the most ecological way possible :herb:… those values are safe to never run out!