Increasing Community Seed Returns-- Ideas

There’s also a growout of rare peanut seeds for GTS this year, too, right? I received a few seeds from three accessions, and I’m happy to report I have a few plants of each growing now. :slight_smile:

I made sure to put them in my “permaculture zone 1” bed, a.k.a. “the one I remember to water the most frequently.” :laughing:


@VeggieSavage if you haven’t already, you may want to visit the forum thread for the ongoing USA Serendipity Seed Swap

By coincidence, in the next week or so it will arrive here and it’ll be my turn to make seed withdrawals and deposits from the traveling box. If you are also in the United States, you could consider signing up to receive it.

That forum thread is the place to discuss what seed contributions are appropriate, but the criteria is much broader for that seed swap and I think other folks than me would be interested in what you have to offer.


Side note: I’m really stoked you have access to so many cool fruits in your local food stores and are willing to take the time to figure out how to share those seeds! I hope we’re all able to grow those out and add that incredible variety of genetics to the seeds we all share. What an incredible resource!

Your wild forage list is enviable! :star_struck: It’s easy to see how passionate you are about this. Thank you for offering such an impressive array of seeds. :pray::heart:


Thank you! I’m eager to share these seeds with everybody, DM me, I’m sure you’ve got things I’d like. I’m curious to see how they preform in a wide range of climates but also because I can’t have a garden, i can at least have joy in seeing others garden the very seeds I sent.

Thank you! You are most welcome, I’ve got plenty more of different types of Wild Seeds, this list was just things I thought y’all find interesting (I’ve gathered so much more, especially tree seeds), just DM me & we can trade.

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Any way we can get a category for okry? I think some of us in the south will contribute.


okra? yes, I’m hoping to add okra in 2025. You’re welcome to send seeds in any time. Contributing Seeds – Going to Seed

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I should have some of my house grex (started with some good old Clemson Spineless, a couple red varieties, and a kibbutz-bred, selecting for flavor and drought tolerance without too many spines).


I can’t contribute (yet?) from Canada, but I’m excited to see the list of stewards and their projects for 2025!! I am wondering if any thought had been put for seed pooling projects in Canada, whether formal or informal.

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