Newsletter: Grow with your community

(Did you get this email yesterday? Let us know if you didn’t, and want to make sure your email is on the list. )

We have lots of updates to share with you from Going to Seed.

Growing landraces is about community, and it’s easier and more fun with friends and neighbors. We’re committed to making this easier for communities everywhere.

So we’ve made the “Landrace Gardening” and “How Microbes Help Local Adaptation” courses completely free now. Please spread the word in your own community! We hope you’ll post the website,, plus something about how this information has changed the way you grow food.

Seeds! We still have plenty of seeds available from our online seed store. If you already bought some, but have friends that may be interested, the site is no longer password protected and anyone is welcome to visit and make an order.

One of our members, Pam Sherman, is facilitating a Public Speaking Training Group, starting Tuesday, March 14. If you’re interested you can sign up here. .

A lot has been going on behind the scenes too.

• We’re working on a project that will support farmers making the transition to growing landraces (Are you a farmer interested in changing the way you grow? We’d love your input here.)
• We’re starting to work with seed libraries to support community landrace projects, starting in Covelo, California.
• Our course about traditional and Indigenous farming methods of Southern Mexico is coming very soon.
• Would you like to get involved and volunteer with any of these or other projects? Let us know by filling out our volunteer form.

We hope you have a enjoyable start to your growing season!

As always, we love to hear from you about anything. Truly.

Email us at


Yes, I did get it yesterday. Thanks!


Yes, I have got it, all works fine. Thank you :slight_smile:

9 posts were split to a new topic: Gardening in an Ecosystem