Maxima Squash Landrace for Central Alberta

Being in Canada we are much behind more of the US in planting dates so just had soil temps high enough for planting a few weeks ago. Last year was a drought year and this year seems to be getting more rain which we are thankful for. Below are some of our beginning shots and pictures up until last week


Last week we had frost which killed off a lot of our prestarted plants, luckily the seeds planted are popping their heads up - also a shot of the weeds we are competing against haha! Wish us luck!!



Looks good! Can you tell us what varieties and mixes you planted?

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For varieties we have used about 20 different varieties - as many as we could find - we have used a mixture of the seeds received for the project as well as saved seeds from our gardens - mixed in with some fun varieties we picked up :slight_smile:

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Some updates
From July and the

growing progress of squash - we have have terrible weather in Alberta with extreme wildfires, smoke and unseasonably hot temperatures. Despite this we are over the moon excited that we still have some very strong plants going…

The three sisters garden where we have weed suppression cloth is absolutely growing better than the ones in open field - which was expected.

We are excited to see what happens over August and September as those are our main growing months for squash in our region


One of the sections of The three sisters garden with weed suppression cloth