My favorite perennial vegetables

The ones most important to me are kale, hosta, fiddle-head fern and good king henry. But could also be tempted to try Seombadi, Staphylea and Caucasian spinach. What makes Staphylea so great btw?

Fiddle-head fern I honestly don’t know how to sexually propagate. It makes spores instead of seed and I have only book knowledge about, have never tried. Hosta I’m only just starting to save seed from and getting more seed sources from (if you find any, I would love to exchange, I’ve not had great success locating hosta seed honestly).

Staphylea - I have a kink for woody plants with edible leaves. This one had edible flowers and unripe fruit too (the ripe fruit is too fiddly to work with imo). The flavor is vegetable stock like. The fermented flowers I love and they produce abundantly. The plant grows really well here. Long-lived woody plant crops are the gold standard for carbon farming, so I seek them.

Good to know. Yeah I have also no experience with spores.

Sounds very interesting, the flavour of Staphylea, would be very curious to taste it.

My neighbours have some hostas where I can see some of the plants have some green seed pods (the other plants may be sterile?). Was planning to take some seeds. But it looks some of the hostas are quite small. The others are bigger but grown in a big pot. So difficult to say if they could get bigger. Will take them with in October if I get any seeds.

I have a preference for large-leaved hosta because I prefer to cook large shoots. I know that my chef colleagues prefer to fat asparagus so I assume they will adopt hosta more easily if they are large. But honestly, I’m interested in any kind of seed

Aaahh you are not talking of the total size of the bush but just the size of the individual leaves? I find that does sound very interesting. The largest hosta overall I have seen is in a garden maybe 30km from where I live. I know the People there, but not sure I will get there anytime within the next few weeks.

Large-leaved hostas tend to grow into large sizes too. This is the kind of type I’m going for