Presentation of the cultivated Arugula line: ‘Joran's Improved Naturalizable Arugula Mix’ (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa) and retrospective on its development

Presentation of the cultivated Arugula line: ‘Joran’s Improved Naturalizable Arugula Mix’ (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa) and retrospective on its development.

First published: December 22, 2024.
Sur le blog Joran’s Seeds & Research :

Joran Marechal
Joran’s Seeds and Research
St Vincent de Durfort, Ardèche, France.

Contact address:

Full article in english, with Google Translate: :uk:

Article complet en français, version originale: :fr:

Presentation of the cultivated Arugula line: ‘Joran’s Improved Naturalizable Arugula Mix’ (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa):

Very distinctive and innovative population developed by Joran’s Seeds and Research, and marketed since 2024.

This line has the particularity of presenting whole leaves (uncut) with, depending on the individual, more or less toothed and wavy edges; associated with white or purple veins.
They were developed for their naturalization capacity in agro-ecological, permaculture or agroforestry production systems.

This improved population comes from hybrids between wild rockets collected in Italy (Eruca vesicaria subsp. vesicaria), and cultivated rockets (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa) naturalized in the state from Colorado, USA.
Following mutations and several years of selection, “oak leaf” and “whole” (uncut) foliage have been stabilized within this population.
The diversity contained in this population ensures its adaptation to your environmental and growing conditions.

Sown at the end of summer: from August to September, they will require no care or watering to provide, all winter long, an abundance of aromatic foliage, very popular in salads.
Harvest leaf by leaf without exhausting the plants, collect the seeds and spread them immediately!
You will harvest salad every winter of your life!

This population perfectly combines performance, quality and eccentricity with perfect resistance.
Which probably makes it the best strain currently available on the market.

Photo gallery:

Above, in the center of the photograph, a rocket ‘Joran’s Improved Naturalizable Arugula Mix’, growing in a paved path and outgrowing the native flora of the Ardèche department, southern France, December 19, 2024.


Joran… That’s amazing!!! Bravo

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Awesome shop!

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There are so many interesting seed lines grown in the EU and elsewhere. It’s been challenging to access them from the United States. For example, i purchased online some runner bean seeds grown in Greece, thinking they might be heat-adapted, to add to my grex. But Customs intercepted, confiscated and destroyed them. I received a vaguely threatening letter informing me of this, which was a surprise to me since i was not trying to topple the government or anything. Since then I have not attempted to acquire seeds from outside the country, but of course would like to. But not illegally and that’s the challenge.

Ah… Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose!
But, I think you were unlucky… I made so many orders all over the world!.. And very few were checked by customs!


Remember to open the links to the full articles! :wink:

The full article contains the retrospective of its development since 2014!