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I like it a lot. Maybe for new growers we need to streamline the information. So much information is overwhelming for the new growers and saving seeds.

Something like.

The seeds adapt to your garden and the gardener, that is why it is very important to save seeds. Seeds adapt faster if they have genetic diversity, so don’t be afraid to combine varieties. We encourage you to do it. Combining two good fruits will give you a good fruit, never an alien. And they will perform amazing in your garden.

This part will be different for each specie.

We want to give you some general instructions on how to grow your seeds and saving them:
Days to germination: 6-10 days , you can presoak them. If you plant very early it can take up to 60 days or more. The seeds are fine, do not worry.

Exterior temperature: frost-free growing conditions (best when temperatures are stable above 15°C and no more night frosts can occur). You can do transplants inside and get ahead of the season.

Light requirements: sun/partial sun /shade/ under a canopy

Watering: normal, but increased need during flowering and fruit set. Once every other day.
Fertilizer: no fertilizer needed, you do not want your plants depend on it.
Planting depth: 2-4 cm
Planting distance in garden/field: 20-25 cm
Pot volume: at least 3l, better 5l

Maybe we need to create a generic list of the parameters.

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