Stéphane’s landrace garden in Brionnais, France

we finally come out of 10 days cold and wet with still much rain 77mm! :partying_face:

It’s been so bad for several months with too much heavy rain, the ground was very packed and too cold with its clay… slugs were everywhere…
It was necessary to remove all the mulching, to pass the spade to air, to chase the slugs… I do not like to return and work the ground but there it was essential to dry and warm

the hunt for hybrid salads begins. Here by chance of transplanting a hybrid of Radichetta ( at right) who seems to have found his parents (at left).

here again Radichetta but which seems hybridized with Deer Tongue Red (at right). Radichetta is a salad that I integrated in the Lettuce Charolais Brionnais Landrace last year and I have already found several hybrids in F1…this salad is great for natural crosses that are easily identified with the shape of the leaves, and she has a great taste, doesn’t rise quickly, and grows quickly… it’s really the hell thing that made me switch to the hybridization of salads :japanese_ogre:

sharp, red, green, with dots…choose the one you prefer for the big election of miss lettuce :princess:

Fava Beans rise very high this year with all this rain.

coriander in bloom…soon in fruit for seeds and eat dry grain in the summer when it will no longer grow

the lion’s cage still waiting for tawny tomatoes. the Snow Peas Lokförare Bergfälts Jätteärt are starting to climb well…

first harvests of Celery Tell Utah, it’s really very, very good…so much that I’m going to want to do a landrace very quickly with this thing

this year I kept some Early Wonder Tall Top Beet to make seeds. So I ripped off the last Swiss chard next door for not to have a cross.

the first ripe strawberries! it makes her happy… there are never enough :exploding_head:

the first early beans and potatoes that were saved from the deluge of rain and cold with a small hoop…

very beautiful garlic this year, after spending many weeks dry under the same hoop (each your turn guys for shelter) :policeman:

small naughty evening for rustic citrus… everyone in promiscuity adorned with its most beautiful flowers and perfume, the sun and bees arrive…
Some manual polinisation also between Yuzu (Citrus junos), ichangensis x sinensis (Citrus ichangensis x citrus sinensis) and eremorange (Citrus glauca x Citrus sinensis)…
It’s real hot :underage:! and without protection we could with some happy births in the least to come… :tangerine: + :lemon: = ???