Stéphane’s landrace garden in Brionnais, France

in 6 years with 2 years of COVID pandemic that have slowed us down in projects !
the annual membership is from 5 €, we make our financial entries only with a few events such as conferences, and then an annual sale of young tree plants to reforest, bread sale that finances a small salary for the baker… no public subsidy we hold to our financial independence!
The majority of machines are old stuff bought cheap but refurbished by tinkering.
The laboratory is private and investments are made by the owner entrepreneur who reinvested his profits in equipment pooled.
We do not have a report yet but we document all our actions but also failure with small videos, photos… One day it will serve us to show the path taken in a small film to make people want to invest in local collectives.

Thank you for your warm encouragement, because with our heads occupied we no longer see all this beautiful road travelled in such a short time.
All this seems normal to us today and we aim ever higher in the quest for the resilience and ecological functioning of our small rural territory.

A dream would be to see one day all these small local initiatives on each territory, in each country…to shift the current model of society towards a more joyful society filled with love and respectful for other life forms of the planet ! :green_heart: