The GTS Cabbage Grex needs donations!

With time running out to donate seeds, the cabbage grex that I signed up to steward still needs more donations. Homegrown seeds are the best, of course (particularly if they have been allowed to cross freely) but for this first year I would be happy to receive donations of left-over commercial seeds so long as they are open-pollenated, particularly of more unusual or rare varieties.


The only cabbages that ever put on a head for me (zone 5 2,500ft) were a red cabbage that came in the GTS Fukuoka mix! I’m overwintering a couple to make lots of seed next year, so I’m on it, alas a year behind schedule.

Whoever put that red cabbage seed in the Fukuoka mix, please do it again :slight_smile: And all other cabbage growers, have a heart for us cabbage-challenged folks and send some of your good genetics our way :laughing: :heartbeat:


Sounds great! I’m glad to hear that you’ve got them in the ground.

That’s sort of the problem with cabbage and the other biennials; there is a longer lag between planting or seed harvest. I have six or seven varieties in the ground for seed next year.

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I am in that category. been here 13years and have yet to get a cabbage to grow.


I can send 20 grams of golden acre. Are you aware of that variety in your mix already?

Also, this has got me thinking about planting more cabbage. I was thinking about planting some this weekend. Our average first frost is mid November. Does anyone have experience planting cabbage so late in a climate with mild frosts? I am in zone 8a or 8b.


I have never grown cabbages until now. I guess these are cabbages of some unknown variety. I planted a bunch of seeds when it was really hot maybe 6 weeks ago. This is all that came up for me on cabbages as far as I am aware.

Since this is all that came up in the heat, I suppose these are special in some way and will hopefully get seeds next year.


Hi Austin,

Thanks for the offer, but I already have lots of Golden Acre seeds; I bought a bunch a couple of years ago and was going to ad some to the mix. it is a nice variety for early cabbages here, though it struggles in the Fall.

And yes, those plants look like cabbages!

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In the maritime PNW, classic cabbage-overwintering territory, though few OP cultivars exist to handle our combination of wet and cold, we typically seed overwintering cabbage mid-June. For transplanting the final couple of weeks of July. In climes far more northern than us (the UK) they get at it notably earlier.

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Yes, I start cabbage in October, zone 10 Arizona. Seeds dont appear until late spring as temperature rise above 95 degrees.

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