Upcoming ZOOM Podcast Events

Please mark your calendars and join us for our upcoming ZOOM events. All events are Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) We have adjusted the dates and time for Easter and Mother’s Day weekends so take note.

March 12, 2023, Sunday, 12:00 noon MDT
William Whitson of Cultivariable

April 2, 2023, Sunday, 12:00 noon MDT
Joseph Lofthouse and Holly Hansen on starting a Victory Garden

May 6, 2023, Saturday, 10:00 am MDT
David the Good

June 11, 2023, Sunday, 12:00 noon MDT
Kelly Winterton, landrace potato onion expert


Just got to get this straight in my head. At the moment, Utah is 18 hours behind me so midday Utah is 6am the next day here. Once Utah changes clocks, which happens in the wee hours of March 23rd, it’s 17 hours behind, I think. That means midday in Utah will be 5am the next day here. Does that sound right? (I’m not a fan of clock changes!)

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@RayS Yes, you are right. Here’s a site that might be helpful:

I wish the clock changes would stop, too. I hope you’re an early bird.

Thanks Debbie.

Here is the zoom link (always the same): Launch Meeting - Zoom, and you can join 15 minutes early to say HI!

Didn’t make it to this session. Hope it went well. Looking forward to the video.

This month’s podcast will originate at my farm, and at a nearby park.