Wild chili seeds in EU

I’m a bit late this to get started. Not that I had really plans of getting any extra seeds, but I thought I would get at least a few wild annuums and baccatums. Unfortunately now that I started searching for them, I noticed that where there is the best selection of wild pepper seeds, semillas de palma, is in the process if changing ownership and the shop isn’t in use at the moment. Google search didn’t yield very good alternativas. Those that had some I have had some problems with before and don’t have great trust that they would be what I’m looking for. Only fatalii has a bit more and is reliable, but prizes are a bit high and the most interesting (dispite high prize) are out of stock.

So does anyone in Europe have wild pepper seeds and which? Or possibly knows personally people at semillas de palma? Like I said, I was at first looking for some wild annuums and baccatums, but now that I researched the matter a bit more I found that at least c.eximium and c.chacoense would be interesting as well. Wouldn’t need that many for this year. In the long run it might be worth researcing if it’s viable to get seeds from seed banks in US or EU, although I’m not sure if the selection is as wide in EU.


in a few days I should receive Capsicum Flexuosum
the only rustic chilli at -15°C and perennial ! :star_struck:

from this establishment which also has other botanical chiles and delivers in Europe.


I know that has overwintered in greenhouse in southern Finland, but unfortunately there isn’t really a way to cross it with anything domesticated.

everyone tries to cross this species with others… maybe there will be someone who will find the right method or bridge species… :grin:
where then it is an error of classification by botanists and does not belong to the genus capsicum :laughing:
do you saw there are other botanical species of chili in this store ?

Myself have been trying for the past 15 years or so. That thing pushed me into mentor grafting. LOL

Jesse, contact Welsh Dragon Chilli’s Chris F. Do not worry, he knows exactly how to ship and you WILL get your package.

I har several wld accessions myself. I must warn though that it is old seed. Wilds do not usually germinate very well after a couple years. My seed stock is 8…12 years old. If you want to experiment, do let me know. Chacoense, eximium I have several accessions of. Many wild baccatums. Semillas and God knows how many more sources. Other stuff as well, frankly I can’t remember right now. Flexu I don’t have, that I can tell. I sowed all myself!

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:grin: what exemplary perseverance!
15 year, that sounds like harassment :laughing:

You can have a look yourself. It’s all there, just no option to make purchases.

And when I started with flexuosum there had already been a sizeable community in Finland trying to cross flexu to anything. I was late to the party! Some of my seeds came via chilifoorumi.fi.

Sorry :upside_down_face:, I wanted to say that on smallislandseedco.com you can find other botanical peppers like:
Capsicum Praetermissum and Tovarii

Personally I refain from ordering outside of EU without necessary documents, even if it was possible to get them without any trouble. I don’t need anything so badly.

I could try your seeds, although in my timetable I was planning only on wild annuums and possibly baccatums that might be a little faster to germinate. I could still at least try to make a growout.

Except I can’t find them. I’ve been looking. I’ve moved recently and they’re in some box. Not the faintest idea where to even look — it’s not something I myself was planning to sow right now, this season.
Afraid this will take a while.

That’s ok. Sound like a very familiar problem :laughing:

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