A bunch of new participatory breeding projects in Australia to join

Announcing five different community crop breeding projects this year that any one can join. Details in the attached link but the main points are.

  1. Seeking a few young people to mentor through their own crop breeding project. Ideal for homeschoolers with a free ittle space and a lot of time and imagination.
  2. Butternut pumpkin breeding to combine the phenomenal storage of seminole with the useful fleshy neck of butternuts.
  3. Growing out F2 crossed principe borghese and wild cherry tomatoes to restore the bushy habit while injecting some feral vigour.
  4. Growing F2 crossed Ethiopian kale and texcel greens to balance early vigour with late flowering of this unmatched subtropical leaf vegetable.
  5. Growing out an F2 hybrid population of common society garlic (Tulbaghia violacea) mixed with the rare T. simmleri. Looking for superior leaf quality and possibly useful edible bulbs.

Each project also explores a different way to coordinate the group, a meta-experiment to find the best ways to organise community crop breeding projects. Details in blog post attached below.

Mostly based in Australia for easier postage.