Skillcult’s apple breeding project has me very excited. There are a few of his varieties (especially Black Strawberry!) that I really want to try.
What’s interesting is that he hates banana-flavored apples, and I love them. (I’m pretty sure that’s the flavor component that was in tree-ripened Golden Delicious apples that I considered the most delicious apples ever when I was a kid.)
So, whenever he complains that something tastes like bananas, I’m taking notes. (Laugh!) Since he’s not going to breed banana-flavored apples, and apples grow so well here, that seems like a great apple breeding project for me.
Of course I’m gonna be weird and shock everybody by talking about actual bananas. 
This guy is doing fantastic work on breeding cold hardy bananas:
I really want to work with him and help him test out varieties. I’ve e-mailed him to ask. It would be super, super cool if I can be helpful in that project.
Carol Deppe probably counts as one of my favorite plant breeders, just because I love her books and find them so valuable and inspiring. I have yet to try any of her varieties, even though I’ve purchased a few.
A lot of them sound fantastic.
Joseph Lofthouse, for similar reasons. As a bonus, he lives in the same state as me, so that’s promising for his landraces working for me.
I think David the Good counts, now that he’s started getting into landracing! Especially since he’s been into seed-saving for ages, and even runs a plant nursery. He knows how to breed plants. His gardening books are fantastic; my favorites are Push the Zone and Grocery Row Gardening. I love his “make a big, wild mess and let the plants sort it out” approach. That suits my personality perfectly.
Not a plant breeder, but I truly loved Paul Gautschi’s Back to Eden film, and I think his advice is very applicable to my climate, given that we have similar rainfall patterns. (No rain at all in summer, almost all precipitation in the winter as snow, and low precipitation in general: he gets 15 inches a year, and I get 18.)