About the Farmer Projects 2024 category

We look forward to hearing about your projects!
Think of this space as a journal space or blog for your year(s) of local adaptation.

Posting Guidelines
Initial Post: Kick off your topic with an introduction to your project. Please include:

The species you’re working with
The specific conditions you aim to adapt to
The varieties you’ve chosen and the rationale behind these choices
Monthly Updates: Commit to posting monthly updates in your topic. Post in the same ‘topic’ that you started, don’t start new topic for the same project.

Your updates should cover:

Your farming practices (watering, weeding, use of inputs, etc.)
Observations on germination and survival rates
Any notable resistance to climate variations or pests
Overall production quality and quantity
Selection Criteria: If your project involves selection beyond mere survival, elucidate the criteria you’re employing.

Observations: Document any remarkable traits or adaptations you observe in your plants. Highlight individuals that exhibit exceptional qualities or better adaptation, earmarking them for future seed saving.

Visual Documentation
Photos and videos not only enrich your narrative but also serve as a critical educational tool for the community. Capture your journey as comprehensively as possible.

A Collaborative Effort
While the Farmer Projects 2024 category is primarily for documentation, interaction is limited to ensure you can focus on your projects without the need for extensive engagement. However, we encourage you to explore the rest of the community for discussions and exchanges with fellow members.