February 14th
Garden diary day 205/206
Post full moon potatoes and roots planting🥔 The farmer next door told me he sees a 20% increase in yield when planting the day after a full moon, and with my potato luck I need all the cosmic help i can get😅
So I got 6 rows planted with a rainbow of potatoes plus a tray of potato seeds grown by @stephane_rave . The seedlings were tiny, so I planted them in one of the large compost bags with composted horse manure, protected from the snails. These are special and deserve a little kindergarden while they grow up.
I mulched the potato rows with cut weeds of wild calendua, marie thistle, grass and chrysanthemums.
This is one of the best times for wild greens in the garden - hybrids of wild and domesticated chard pop up everywhere, some with really cool colours or enormous leaves. I should start collecting seeds of the best ones, but I love the fact they come up reliably without any work on my end - besides leaving the garden a bit weedy.
Wild Chrysanthemums grow every where and @mywildgreens taught me to eat them! The snails leave them alone, so it’s easy to harvest clean “spinach” in large quantities.
While not wild, fava bean tops make a great tender spinach substitute with a lovely mild flavour.
I keep finding beautiful rows of garlic that I apparently didn’t harvest last year, so we should get an abundance of scapes this spring plus clusters of smaller garlic for winter. Which is lucky, as the fava beans have invaded the garlic cloves I planted in October.
Besides potatoes, I planted some black and yellow turnips, radishes, beets and parsnips. It’s my first time growing parsnips, so curious to see how they’ll do here. Maybe they would prefer an autumn planting, we’ll see.
I also planted another grafted sweet acorn, and took scionwood from several apple and pear trees to share with friends and make some more fruit trees.
Next week I’ll be planting out grexes of shallots, storage onions, sweet summer onions and leeks, before all the summer vegetable planting begin in march.
Garden harvest:
1.5kg of broccoli shoots
5kg sweet potatoes
200g kumquat-like citrus fruit