Hello everyone, In this place I want to document various things I have growing, small projects and such. Before I jump into it, some general info. I live on a small island in Adriatic sea, Mediterranean area. When I say small, I mean it - whole island is just 15 km2.
Climate wise, winters are mild, mostly wet and very rarely have freezing temps. Summers are hot, more so lately, and with little or no rain. Most rain falls in late autumn and winter, spring is more variable but we usually get some rain during those months too. Periods with small amounts or no rain can be anything between 2 months (just summer) to 6-9 months.
We do have strong winds, there is a specific one for Adriatic area called ‘bura’ - can go to gale force strength, but also blows with very variable speed so it feels like a kick when it goes from low to high speed in a split second. It is a very dry and desiccating wind (most times) - winter ones are stronger, have a great wind chill and can bring lot’s of fine sea-spray aka salt (black fence can be white from it); summer ones don’t get that high speed usually but are hot ‘foehn’ type wind (literally it’s like a giant hairdryer blowing over you, plants, soil… everything).
Basically when ‘bura’ blows air humidity is very low and it dries out everything, in winter it gets colder, in summer it gets hotter, and if it’s strong enough you get a fine layer of salt on everything.
Due to bura wind and being surrounded by the sea, air humidity can be anything between very dry or very humid in any time of the year.
We have poor (not fertile) and shallow rocky soil, in many areas it is hard and compacted with many small rocks, average depth in most areas is 5-30cm above limestone parent rock. I’m guessing that my garden has a bit more depth, but not much, maybe 40-50 cm (or not?), but that last part above parent rock is probably mostly small rocks really tightly packed.
Few general photos of my main gardening area, you may notice it’s a mixture of everything - from annual and perennial veggies to aromatic and medicinal plants to olive trees and some other fruits and berries. Also some edge vegetation that is mainly for protection from winds and noisy neighbours. Olive trees were already there when I started gardening in this space (some 20 years ago), and for the rest - I like biodiversity, I can’t help it :-).
Right now garden is still ‘in-between’: some summer plants are still there and thriving - basil, squash, peppers finally started to give some fruits, regrown tomato or two; autumn/winter crops are starting out, some vigorously like artichokes, & nasturtium, some such as most leafy greens need a bit more time to show properly -or the first round was completely eaten by new species of slugs on the island (that has finaly managed to establish itself as a permanent island resident in last years).