Cushaw seeds available

Hi, all. Apologies if you’ve seen this message already. This is Debbie, the moschata/maxima squash steward. We received orange cushaw seeds this fall from a member of the community, but since we are not offering a cushaw mix this year, I can share these seeds with anyone interested. Our donor says,

“Here is a picture of them from this year I have been growing them from seed I got 15 years ago. Always keeping my seed back every year. And it’s the only squash I like. It makes the best pie.”

If you would like to try these seeds in your garden this year, please pm me with your mailing address.

We would like to offer a cushaw mix in 2025 through our distribution program if we receive enough seeds. If you have any to donate, feel free to send them in any time, or in the fall when we are collecting other seeds. The seed donation form can be found here:

Seed donation form

Thank you so much for your participation in this community!