Discord chat and meeting server, available for community use

Just based on my general schedule here is four options I am suggesting. Added * to who I thought it might work better for.

A- 1pm est which is…
Melbourne 4am
Spain 7pm *
London 6pm *
Dallas texas 12pm
LA California 10am

B- 4pm est which is…
Melbourne 7am
Spain 10pm *
London 9pm *
Dallas Texas 3pm *
LA California 1pm

C- 8pm est which is…
Melbourne 11am *
Spain 2am
London 1am
Dallas Texas 7pm *
LA California 5pm *

D- 11pm est which is…
Melbourne 2pm *
Spain 5am
London 4am
Dallas Texas 10pm *
LA California 8pm *

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For me this one, Spain 10pm - 1am or so.

My time zone is gmt+2 Spain (for the next’s 6 months)
My day availability is every day (night)
My time availability is 10pm - 1am or so.

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Best for me A, but B could do otherwise.
Thanks Kadence!

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Planning three meetings this week. I’m brain storming ideas for future meetings that * can * be more topic driven. Added Discord event link for each.

April 7, Sunday 1pm est

which is…
Melbourne 4am
Spain 7pm *
London 6pm *
Dallas texas 12pm
LA California 10am

April 9, Tuesday 4pm est

which is…
Melbourne 7am
Spain 10pm *
London 9pm *
Dallas Texas 3pm *
LA California 1pm

April 12, Friday 8pm est

which is…
Melbourne 11am *
Spain 2am
London 1am
Dallas Texas 7pm *
LA California 5pm *


Friday meeting has been moved to Thursday because I put plans on the wrong week and I can’t miss my sister’s wedding rehearsal :woman_facepalming:

Reminder I’ll be starting a meeting in a few hours.

8pm est
which is…
Melbourne 11am
Dallas Texas 7pm
LA California 5pm

How were the last sessions? When is the next one?


No one joined on Thursday. I’ve just had a very busy weekend at a wedding.

Sunday and Tuesday meetings were nice but it was one on one. I’d like to have more people join in.

Would people rather join knowing there was a specific topic for the meeting?

Topic ideas so far:

  • context- clay soil, sandy soil, arid environment, wet environment, sun/shade, trees,…
    *plant specific- Solanums, alliums, cucurbits, etc.
    *Identifying crosses
    *seed saving

Sorry I haven’t made it to the recent meetings! Springtime is kicking my butt.

There is a meeting invitation in the works to everybody to learn more about the updates and programs Going to Seed is working on, how to get plugged in to various projects, stuff like that, agenda TBD.

Saturday May 11th is the date, and it looks like the B option 4 pm EST 8 pm GMT is the most accessible for most people. @KadenceLunemann do you have a recommended best time for all?


That works for me. I didn’t get alot of feedback about times which is why I proposed the three time options.

Forum seems on it’s arse. Everybody busy gardening!

It’s true for me, I’ve been temporarily tied up with more seasonal tasks.

Yes, true for me too, busy with gardening and projects.
But I will prioritize joining on next one. Would be great hearing where everybody is at.

@KadenceLunemann if you do one next time , @ people could help

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New here! Just wondering if anyone is using discord still? If so, can I get a new invite?

It seems like I wasn’t able to generate a permanent link three weeks ago when the Discord server had just been set up, and I didn’t notice at the time. Sorry I didn’t come back an refresh the link!

Here is a new link that should last a lot longer: Adaptation Gardening

Thanks @markwkidd. It worked!

For me no specific topic, chit chat was super nice. Life go in the way and with different time zones is more complicated. I can make it most of the days at 10pm - 1am GMT+2, 4 - 7pm est.

If somebody wants to talk after the zoom meeting I will be on the discord server.