Does anyone have extra carrot seeds (in the US)

I missed the goingtoseed seeds this year (i’ve been too lazy) but was hoping to get some extra genetics to add to my carrot seeds this year. I saved seed from a single variety last year so I could trade (I have other stuff too if you want to trade). My goal is to just get as much genetics as I can to start my landrace of them this year.

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Pm you

Consider placing a request at That group has a very specific procedure for requesting seeds that must be followed, but they are free and it’s a great program.

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cool, I requested all of their carrot seeds (and threw in turnips for good measure)

I’ve got some seeds I saved from two carrots I let flower last year. They were probably Imperator, or maybe Danvers. Typical orange carrots, in any case. Very drought tolerant, given that I pretty much never bothered to water them at all, and didn’t mulch them either (and my summers are dry).

If you’d like some, feel free to PM me! I enjoy trades, and we probably both have a bunch of saved seeds that are good for each other’s gardens, given that we live in the same state. :wink:

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got the seeds from them today, pretty awesome. I should be good on carrot and turnip seeds to start my landrace of them this year


I am going to make an order with them soon. I am looking to get 7 or 8 of those cabbages.

If you end up wanting more, I have a mixture of these in a jar:
Carrot, Koral
Carrot, Danvers Half Long
Carrot, Garden Mix, Organic
Carrot, Kuroda
Carrot, New Kuroda
Carrot, Parisian
Carrot, Scarlet Nantes
Carrot, Upper Orange

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Well drat if I had seen this yesterday I could have sent you the Uzbek golden carrot seeds I had… now they are on their way to Lyman Wy for a friend to try her hand with. Maybe more will show up in my swap box later this year.