That’s all I Mostly Focus on. I’ve Studied wild edibles like a Mad Scientist, Any question you got about domesticating wild edibles, I Got you! I’m already starting topics of every wild edible I want to Breed a Landrace for. These especially have Potential for Landrace genetics!
Here’s a list
***Greens/Herbs Size Plants***
- Shiso/Beef Steak Plant (Perrila frutecens)
Excellent Tasting Mint with Spicy/Minty Flavour. All Crossable plants cuz they all da same species.
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- Crow Garlic/Onion Grass (Allium vineale)
Excellent Tasting Garlic but also Onion Greens and Especially the little bulblets it makes. VERY DELICOUS Onion/Garlic Flavour. Ranges from mild heat but never hotter than garlic bulbs.
Crow Garlic (Allium vineale) will cross with Leeks (Allium ampeloprasum) and with Garlic (Allium sativum). Because they all belong to the same subgenus Allium.
- Dame’s Rocket (Hesperis matrionalis)
Not many Species but Lots of Diversity still. Delicious Mustard Flavour. Entire Plant is edible raw or cooked. Has Pink, White and Purple Flower Colour Varieties growing wild in U.S. I’m sure Europe has more Diverse Genetics as well.
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- American Wild Tomatillo/Ground Cherries (Physalis spp.)
All have Edible Ripe Fruits raw or cooked. Lots of different species of wild Physalis to choose from such as Physalis heterophylla, Physalis longifolia, Physalius pubescens, Physalis virginiana, and Chinese Lantern Plant (Physalis alkekengi).
These are all crossable with our domesticated Tomatillo’s (Physalis philidelphica) and Goldenberry’s (Physalis puruviana), but not so readily (Requires some interesing techinques but not Impossible)
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- Pennycress (Thlaspi spp.)
All parts are edible raw or cooked but is a hot Plant. Crossable are Road-side/Garlic Pennycress (Thlaspi alliaceum) and Field Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense). Potential for new Crop!
- Lambsquaters (Chenopodium album)
All above ground parts edible raw or cooked. Very Delicous Green, Whoops Spinach’s ass In my Humble Opinion. Will Cross with Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), Strawberry Spinach, (Chenopodium capitatum), and other Chenopodium spp.
- Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.)
So many Species too choose from, all are edible raw or cooked and Crossable. Edible same way as Lambsquaters or Domesticated Amaranth! Very Delicous Green and Nutritious seeds. So much Diversity, Purple, Yellow, Pink, Red, amranth with some getting Tree Size!
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- Garlic Mustard (Allaria petiolata)
Wild edible with Mustard Garlic Taste. But also has a Bitter after taste, especially when seeds start to form. Best Tasting part are the Young Shoots in Spring. Find Varieties that are Less Bitter and keep breeding them until you make Garlic Mustard Delcious without Bitterness! Has lots of Potential to become a New Superfood!
- Sweet Cicely (Osmoriza longistylis)
Wild Edible from Carrot Family that Taste like Pleasent Sweet Licorice! Lots of Species to Cross with and Potential to become a new Crop! Note The Last Picture is not mine
- Mallow (Malva spp.)
Very Delicious Mild Green with Mucilaginous Texture (Like Okra, cuz it’s related to Okra). Common Mallow (Malva neglecta) Grows as a Common Weed all over the world. This can Hybridize with Korean Vegetable Mallow (Malva verticillata) and many more. Just make sure they are all in the same subgenus.
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- Chickweed (Stellaria spp.)
Very Delicious Mild Spring Green you can harvest all winter, even under the snow. Thus providing you Greens all winter long, even better in a Protected Hoophouse! Lots of Chickweed Species to choose from. Most Common one you will find in lawns is Common Chickweed (Stelaria media) which should be crossable with other Stelaria spp.
- American Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum)
Very Toxic Wild Edible Plant but Delicious Edible Fruit (When Ripe, Green Unripe fruit is Toxic, don’t eat leaves or root). Taste like Tropical Passion fruit x Guava Flavor. Will Hybridize with Red Himalayan Mayapple (Podophyllum hexandum). This has potential to become a New Commercial Crop!
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***Trees/Shrubs/Vines Size Plants***
- American Persimmon (Diospyros virginia)
My Favorite Fruit Period! Unripe Fruits are Astringent AF! Only Enjoy Squishy, Overripe Persimmons (Like the ones on the left in 1st pic), Which are Sweet and Not Astringent. American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) Can Hybridize with Japanese Persimon (Diospyros kaki) and Date Plum (Diospyros lotus). This is because they all belong to the same Subgenus. Try Landracing Persimmons, Lots of FUN! Japanese Persimmons are much bigger than American Persimmon!
- Pawpaw (Asimina triloba)
Big Tropical Fruit that Survives USDA Hardiness zone 5-8 (VERY COLD HARDY). Bannana x Guava x Pineapple type Flavor. Already lots of Cultivars and Breeding Projects to work with! Forming a landrace would be too easy! Especially when you can find these growing in the wild!
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- Basswood/Linden Tree (Tilia spp.)
Salad Tree, Yup this Wild Edible Tree Produces edible leaves In Spring that Taste Mild and have Mucilaginous Texture (Just like Mallow and Okra). Very useful to breed a Landrace from because it’s a Reliable Perennial Green that also makes Linden Flowers. (Useful to make Sweet Relaxing Tea).
So many Species of Linden to Cross with, just Experiment. You Probably have a Linden Tree near you!
- Silverberry/Goumi (Eleagnus spp.)
Delicious and Ridiculously Productive Berry Shrub. Lots of Hybridization work to be done with this genus. I’m Still Studying the Crossability of Silverberry (These are not releated to Olives despite the stupid common names) but Possible Species could be…
Autumn Olive (Eleagunus umbellata), Thorny Olive (Eleagnus pungens), Goumi (Eleagnus multiflora), Big Silverberry (Eleagunus latifolia), etc.
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- American Passionfruit (Passiflora incarnata)
Most Beautiful Flower In my humble Opinion. Produced Delicious Passionfruits that are Hardy down to USDA Zone 7 (6 if Protected). These are found growing wild and will Cross with other Passionfruits. Research this a little because not all Passionfruits readily cross with each other.
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- Hackberry (Celtis spp.)
This can become a new Nut Milk Commercial Crop. This wild Edible Fruit/Nut Taste like an M&M Candy but with a very Hard Seed/Nut. It is crackable with teeth, requires technique and your Dentist probably wouldn’t approve hehe. Reguardless lots of Hackberries to Cross with. Landrace/Breeding work could be done to Improve Yeild, Berry Size, Flavor, Less Hard Nut so it’s easily Crunchable, etc.
- Kousa Dogwood (Cornus kousa)
These are found all over the Suburbs planted as Ornamental trees with no one but Squirels and Birds left to Benefit from the often Rotting Fruit. Yes I consider this a Wild Edible. Reguardless No one that I know of is Breeding Kousa Dogwood for fruit which is sad because the fruit has so much potential. It taste Sweet, very similar to Pawpaw in flavor. Needs Landrace/Breeding Improvement in Texture, Yields, and Size. The outer Skin is Bitter but the Inside Flesh is VERY DELICIOUS. If you live in the suburbs of U.S., you will most definitively will find this tree.