European Seed Swap Group

This is just an information thread about the closed group for seed swaps in Europe. If you want to join the group, read the threads and take part in the exchanges, just post below and we’ll add you to it. I will like your post to signal when I’ve done so.

The group was created in the thread: Seeds in Europe -International seeds, and seed banks I’m making this post so it will be easier for people in Europe to know about the group.


Could you add me to the group? I thought I was in it, but seems I can not reply to the posts there.
Thanks! Matthew

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Could you add me as well?

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Please, add me in!

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Please add me in the group! :slight_smile:

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Could you please add me, thank you.

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You’re added Ruediger. Welcome to the community. I’d invite you to make a post in “introduce yourself” about what you like to grow, where you are and what made you want to be part of the community.

Id love to be added to this group as well, please.

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