Garden journal/projects 2024

Gonna post some garden photos of the season here (is this the right subforum?)

Here is an F1 Passiflora incarnata x edulis I’m growing this year. You can see the red stem and it also has red fruit like edulis. Hoping to back cross it to one of my hardy incarnata/flavicarpa or incarnata/tucumanensis hybrids this year.


The majority of these Helianthus tuberosus seedlings from Rode x Dwarf are so far appearing to have the short stature.

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Dwarf H. tuberosus growing under hybrid goji. Hoping for new clumping tuberosus cultivars in the seedlings, with improved flowering. Helianthus does a great job limiting grass growth, in the same way Mexican sunflower is used in syntropic agroforestry. It will be interesting to see the height distribution in these seedlings.

This one seems to be even shorter than the pollen parent Dwarf. Already has a good size tuber visible. Maybe get a low growing tuberous groundcover from this one ? The mutation causing short stature must be prevalent in most of the Dwarf genome, because the great majority of the seedlings appear to have small internodes. Not something I’d have expected necessarily from a hexaploid.

Getting great germination from these Cucurbita lundelliana x ficifolia seedlings. Maternal dominance and wild dominance mean that so far the phenotype is skewed to lundelliana. Ficifolia is growing nearby to hopefully make the back cross this year. It’s exciting to imagine the landraces that could be developed from this combination. Low elevation to high elevation with strong insect and fungal resistances.

New cold hardy polyploid passionfruit seedling with tropical parents from both sides. If it’s fertile it should be a great combination.

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what parents ? :wink:

You had to make me type it out, didn’t you :wink:

[(Passiflora incarnata x flavicarpa) x incarnata] x [(Byron Beauty x flavinata) x Casanova]

I understand better why you didn’t write :laughing:
F2 x F4 = F5 ? :thinking:
wow, I would love to test this kind of champion!

It also has diploid, triploid, and tetraploid in its ancestry. I like it too because the internodes are shorter. Could be sterile but we will see !

Raphael Maier is working with a diverse collection of cold hardy passiflora in France, you may be able to get some material from him.

The vigorous x maximoss winter squash from Joseph’s work. Flowers super early.

Cucumis ficifolius is very precocious also. The plan is to make a landrace by crossing West Indian gherkin (anguria) to it.