So, obviously the laziest watering option is not watering at all, and I have generally skewed in that direction simply out of lazin- err… efficiency.
But this week, I tracked down what I believe to be the source of a spring on our property - I was pretty sure it had been there, but hadn’t technically located the source of it. (There seems to be multiple places where it is coming out, but I believe I have located the one which is highest up the slope…)
I haven’t done anything with it yet other than dig a little bit with my bare hands (gets pretty hard though with so many rocks!) to see if I could open it up at all.
When I was younger, I am pretty sure this spring used to provide a flow of water throughout the year. Now, it seems to only produce water visibly above the surface during the wetter times of year. I am hoping it has just been buried under ~30 years (and who knows how much before I came along!) of forest leaf fall and maybe erosion from the hillside down onto it and that if we are able to dig down and uncover it we will be able to get a consistent flow through the year…
If so, this is a blessing that I don’t want to let go to waste and I have been refreshing my memory on everything I can find regarding tapping into wells, building ram pumps, etc…
If I can get all of that going with a ram pump, then we should have a constant source of enough water for our animals and quite a few if not all crops without having to pay for the water or electricity.
I know a lot of the discussion here is about raising crops that don’t need any of that in the first place, but if I have it, I figure I might as well make use of it for at least parts of our property and see how things go.
But keeping with the spirit of things, I would prefer to do it as “lazily” as possible and not have to worry about turning valves on and off to different sections at different times or whatever else - and ideally no timers that require setting up an electricity source… (Though I am not necessarily opposed to creative use of float valves, check valves, etc… I mean I am planning to base this all around a ram pump after all which is basically two glorified check valves in the right configuration).
Anyway, I was curious to hear ideas - either for my situation or things you’ve done in your own situation - to allow for the distribution of that water without causing overwatering issues since the water source in my use case is 24/7.
It might be the case that, by the time that water is spread out over a large enough area, I don’t really even need to worry about overwatering… I’m not really sure… I do have a tendency to overthink things at times. But that has also kept me out of trouble quite often, so I wanted to see if you guys have any creative thoughts/ideas/experiences.
And I’m also very much interested in hearing about experiences you’ve had which are kind of on this general topic of lazy watering but might have been a different scenario altogether.
(Lol, before starting this topic, I tried searching for “spring” but that wasn’t remotely helpful, and searching for “pump” returned a bunch of squash… )