I will trawl the database for promising looking accessions. Just wish there was more info on each one. I am guessing the ideal starting point would be to maximise the diversity so that every grower participating in the project had a decent chance of success under their local conditions.
I just refamiliarised myself with the genetics of Chenopodiums. Quinoa is a tetraploid (AABB), originally created long ago by two diploid species (AA and BB) hybridising then doubling their chromosome count. C. berlandieri is a sister tetraploid to quinoa, so it can hybridise with it directly. Some breeders are working on this already to introduce mildew resistance so they crop can grow in more humid climates. It might be worth reaching out to these people to see if we can access some of their early hybrids and save ourselves a bunch of time. I am happy to give this a go- I seem to have a knack for wheedling my way into strangers good graces.
Most wild species are diploids on either side of the family tree, so if they were crossed with quinoa you would get a sterile triploid as an F1. It might be possible to get this to double its chromosome count again to get an AAAABB or AABBBB hexaploid (which might end up creating a strain with bigger plants and seeds). This can be as simple as creating as many triploids as possible then hunting for the few viable seeds they produce (or speeding things up with oryzalin).
The other interesting possibility is to pick a range of AA and BB wild species and replicate the events that created quinoa, but this time making something new. This kind of long shot project seems like the most fun to me. I also like the idea of hybridising two A or B types together and staying at the diploid level. I remember seeing a paper analysing Chenopodium species in a family tree to show which were A or B but I can’t find it at the moment.
If either outcome of a species cross is interesting then maybe it doesnt matter if they are A or B types. Wide crossing works best when you throw every other pollen type at an emasculated female plant. If any interesting crosses arise you can usually figure out the pollen parent in retrospect. This approach is much. better than obsessively labelling every cross and ending with mostly failed crosses.
It is also worth highlighting C. pallidicaule, an andean crop called Kaniwa. This is a diploid species and one of the ancestors of quinoa. It is also available in the GRINS database and could be an important part of the program.
The hand crossing techniques outlined in the paper seem very manageable to me. I love doing fiddly hand crosses all day long until my eyes blur. In the greenhouse I should be able to grow almost any time of the year in my almost frost free climate, though can’t control photoperiods with my current set up. Summer might be too humid some years for highland quinoa strains.
Australia has a biosecurity import data base of allowed chenopodium species. There are no herbarium records of C. berlandieri in Australia and it is not on the allowed list, so importing seed could be difficult. I do have one strain of huauzontle, which is a domesticated strain of berlandieri, which grows much better for me than the temperate quinoa strains I have tried previously. C. giganteum appeals to me since taller crops handle weed pressure better once established. It is already in circulation among veggie growers here. I also have wild C. album (though ploidy varies wildly in this species). C. album is permitted for import so I could try other strains. I can access a few two native shrubby species. C. ambrosioides I have also grown, but don’t think it is worth including since it is stinky and toxic. C. glaucum/opulifolium also look useful. C. murale is strictly speaking in Chenopodiastrum.
One final thought- The chromosome number is the same for Chenopodium and Atriplex. Atriplex is still a minor leaf vegetable (A. hortensis/orach), and A. patula was undergoing domestication as a protocereal in Eurasia before other crops replaced it. I can import both seed from species without permit. If I am already hand crossing then I may as well throw this long shot into the mix. Chenopodiastrum also has the same chromosome number.
All in all there is a lot of potential here and I am thrilled to have found potential collaborators for this kind of work.