Planning is underway for the 2024 Seed Program! Our industrious Seed Stewards are working through what mixes to offer – this year we plan to introduce some “special” grexes in addition to the wide mixes we focused on last year. Stay tuned for more information and seed saving instructions. We will share that much earlier this year, to help all of you plan for your contributions to the project.
Hi Kadence, I’m still looking for a few Seed Stewards if that interests you. Check out the form linked above for more information. There are some crops from last year (tomatillo, ground cherry, radish) that need a steward, and a few ideas for new additions. If there’s a crop you’re passionate about, you’re welcome to suggest another addition.
The two presentations below give an overview of how we organized the pilot program in 2022/23, and proposed changes for the 2023/24 season. Happy to answer any other questions you might have!
Hi Kim, celery isn’t on the list yet, but if you’re interested in stewarding it, fill out the crop proposal form. I would have some seed to contribute. Here’s a link: Seed Steward Proposals
For the Muskmelon (Cucumis Melo), is this any sweet Cucumis Melo? Or is it only muskmelons?
For the Armenian Cucumber, is this strictly Armenian or can this include any of the other non sweet C. Melo. I’m growing some of these this year: Cucumber Melons (C. melo) – Cucumber Shop
I’m not sure. It makes no difference to me as long as they have good flavor. For now we have put together the swarm and are awaiting grex results from this season grow outs. Some of the C. melo that were included had good flavor.
I did separate the Armenian type into its own category just because of how its used in cuisine.
I’m glad you separated the Armenian cucumbers out. I suspect most people prefer those kept separate, just as most people prefer to keep sweet and spicy pepper populations separate.
I guessed, kinda last minute, we can always mix them…once growers can recognize the differences…then mix…im still learning, loved to eat the results!! Im still learning ways to can and preserve!! Just in…an Amish canning recipe book. Found the big oval canner at a yard sale, and can hardly wait to make a fire, and boil the water, fill with jars!! Ill put together quart jars of lemon or orange marmalades…its delicious on oatmeal, polenta, and corn muffins!!
You’re right, anyone who wants to mix them can easily do that! And anyone who wants to select for the sweetest melons possible (me, me! ) can choose to leave the Armenian cucumbers out.
I really, really, really, really, want to become a seed steward someday!
Emily Martha Sorensen told me more about the responsibilities of the role. It sounds fun, and rewarding! I can’t now though, we just had our second baby in December, and our eldest is 20 months old. I will have my hands full for a little while. I will definitely sign up when the boys get a little bit older!
If I could be a future seed steward, I would want to be a steward either of: cilantro, sweet Italian basil, sunflower or Cucurbita moschata (Butternut, or regular ol’ Moschatas), or Cucurbita Maxima.
Could there be future offering of: ground cherry, tomatillo, cilantro, sweet basil, Canary Melon, garlic seed, and/or sunflower? Also, huckleberries. (I hope that there are some huckleberry seed in the Serendipity Seed Box )
We will contribute the seed from our own projects!
Hi Alexis! I organize the seed program. I hope that you will contribute seed from your garden. We are accepting seeds year round now, so if you have something to share, check out this link. Looks like Debbie already shared the survey about seed offerings, but if you have any other feedback on the seed share program, please reach out.
We are processing seeds now and getting the website ready for 2025. Expect to see most of the same mixes as last year, plus a few new ones like Okra, Cushaw squash, eggplant, and arugula. I’ll post more details soon.