Seeking seed contribututions of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) and runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus)

We are looking for more seed contributions for the 2025 mixes of common beans and runner beans!

For common beans, Phaseolus vulgaris, we’ll again offer 3 separate mixes; pole beans, earliest bush dry beans, and a maximum diversity mix. Please separate donations by bush or pole habit, and include any relevant details.

For runner beans, Phaseolus coccineus, we’ll offer 1 mix of maximum diversity, with all traits welcome.

I’d love to hear people’s experience with common beans and runner beans, and what traits you are interested in.

I enjoy the dry white runner beans and have been selecting for high-yielding white traits for a few years. This past season we also grew the Black Coat variety which makes for a beautiful contrast. Curious what will happen as they cross.

For common beans, this year was also my first time growing a diverse bush dry bean mix, pictured here.

I’m also contributing both bush and pole short-season varieties that we like here in the Pacific Northwest, including Whipple, Jacob’s Cattle Bean, Black Coco, Early Refuge, Beefy Resilient, Borlotti, Good Mother Stallard, and Northern Pinto!

I’m also personally interested in cornfield beans, would love to hear about people’s experience with these varieties or success with milpa-style beans grown with corn.


For USA only?

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This year we can accept contributions from outside the US! If you note your country on the form for shipping instructions, Going to Seed will provide the necessary papers.

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I am sending in some Nez Perce beans. They are short, half-runner bush plants. I forgot to put that in the form. the are not really very tall maybe a couple of feet, not sure which category they would go in to. Personally I think bush.


Can send in pole beans (common) and giant seeded runner beans from Canada if you’re now accepting shipping from outside US. Will take a look at the form tonight

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beautiful beans! I will try to make a note of their half-runner habit.

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