Please add me back on as well.
Added, and added!
The box just arrived at my house. How exciting! (Rubs hands together eagerly.) I can’t wait to go through it tomorrow.
I’ve got lots of new seeds to add, too – namely, seeds that were still inside fruits when I had the box last time.
All right! Box is all ready to go out again! @jens, will you PM me your address?
The box arrived yesterday! Hubs was busy today, but tomorrow will go through it with me (over the phone) to see what we want and put our seeds in to send off. He’ll be running errands Tuesday and can take it to the post office then.
@Iamadesertcreature are you ready for it? If so, send me a pm with your address.
Omg, we are moving so fast! You all rock! And I’m so glad it will be coming my way again soon (!!) because I just cleaned a bunch more seeds from my garden and got a giant bag of nasturtium seeds to share.
Hubs just finished unpacking it, then our friends showed up so… Squirrel!
They have to go back home sometime, so I imagine we’ll finish going through the box and get it repacked and sent off this week. The next address is in hand!
5 packets huge blue hubbard (x10 seed) maxima
5 packets butternut (x10 seed) moschata
Japanese Wasabi radish
Love lies bleeding Amaranth
Wildflower mix
That’s what I have to add to the box. I am working on cooking up the squashes I have. So maybe some of that if the seed dries.
Neato! Which kinds of squashes have you grown this year?
I didn’t grow almost anything this year, it was a mess for me lol. I had a plant volunteer in the old hog shed and turn out two maxima pumpkins. Which is interesting since it had to have a late start because it couldn’t have grown before end of May when dad took the roof off the shed to use elsewhere. And we had just a couple storms in June then basically nothing til September. I didn’t even know it was there until the vine was tumbling up over the shed wall. The others I bought that I know are grown locally.
My volunteer, no rain maximas
Flat white pumpkin maxima
Round pumpkin moschata
Oblong fat peanut moschata
How do I participate in the seed swap?
@Rachel the very first post in the thread explains the guidelines, if you haven’t seen that you might make sure you’re familiar with them. If you’ve done that, then the next step is to post here in this thread.
You might tag UnicornEmily by name in a post if you don’t hear from her in a few days, but you’ve probably already done everything you need to in order to participate.
Hi, Rachel! I’m adding you to the list. You can check the bottom of the first post anytime to see how close you are to the top.
I love what your profile says about how you decided to change the way you garden. Carol Deppe, then researching OSSI, then Joseph Lofthouse – that’s the order I discovered things in, too!
Having one big box is a lot like having all your eggs in one basket. Maybe break it up into several smaller boxes?
Maybe the smaller parcels could occasionally converge on someone(s) who has (have) demonstrated prompt action. Then that person(s) could recombine and re-split the total quantity?
Keeping it mostly decentralized with occasional merging.
The box is on its way! It got shipped out on Wednesday, but work has been so nuts I forgot to send out this announcement. It should arrive at @Iamadesertcreature 's house on Monday. Whee!
We have a couple of spares scattered around.
That’s why we have a backup box now. Whenever the box comes my way, I pull out anything new that has enough seeds to justify moving some to the spare box, and move some of those seeds into the spare box. That way, if the main box gets lost, I can activate that one and we can start again with it.
I think that’s the optimal solution for that problem. It’s best to only have one box traveling around, because having more than one would make it incredibly difficult to keep track of everything.
But yes, you’re absolutely right that having a backup makes sense. We came up with the idea of a backup box after learning our lesson the hard way, when the original box got lost.
Thanks! Looking forward to participating!
And we’re happy to have you aboard!
While you’re waiting, I recommend you start preparing your seeds to go into the box. That way, when the box comes to you, you will be ready to send it along quickly. The faster each of us is at sending the box along, the more everyone gets to enjoy it!
I’m somewhat new to this forum, but I’m excited to try some new things. Can I get on the list? I don’t know if I have enough posts to qualify, and I realized I’ve been on here only about 2 weeks, but I figure by the time its my turn to get seeds I’ll qualify?
I’m trying to organize seed sharing here in Waco, Texas, but not gotten any takers yet. My Dad in Hico will get some soon, and I’ve found some ladies on another forum I’m on I can trade seeds with, but they are all over the US.
This adaptive gardening is something I’ve been working on for years, but never knew it had a name