Welcome and hello from Maryneal (at the moment)!
There are a couple other Texans here that you should be able to connect with.
Welcome and hello from Maryneal (at the moment)!
There are a couple other Texans here that you should be able to connect with.
Hello, Rachael! I’m delighted to meet you! I’ll be delighted to add you to the list after you’ve been here a month and made at least ten posts. Will you ask again then?
You may ask your local library if you can start a seed library in their building. It would be a wonderful spot to host one, and it doesn’t take much effort to start one and keep it maintained – you mainly just set it up and then use it like everyone else. Maybe you could ask if the library wants some Going to Seed pamphlets people can take if they want to, too? Or make your own little flier to explain the basics of seed-saving and give people permission to try?
You may ask your local library if they’re interested in hosting a free community event. Many love doing that. You could set up a seed swap, a scion exchange, a plant swap, or whatever else floats your boat, and the library would post about it on their website and/or have it on a visible calendar of events. Hopefully fellow gardeners who also like the library (and who doesn’t like the library?) will see that event on the library calendar and get excited and come to swap stuff around.
You can obviously also see if there’s a Facebook group for Texan gardeners. I bet there are several. Maybe you can find some people who live relatively near you who’d be interested in a garden party or a plant swap sometime in 2025. That may be a fun way to make some connections.
You can definitely find some people on this forum who will enjoy doing one-on-one swaps with you. I’m one of them. Especially if you have tasty wild plants in your area that you can forage seeds from, because those can be really cool genes to play with. See any Texas persimmons (Diospyros texana) around you, for instance?
My boys found a few persimmon trees in a bit of no-man’s-land, platted to be a road, but isn’t. I plan to go look for ripe persimmons sometime soon as we’ve had 3 light frosts, so maybe!
I’ll ask about again mid-Jan about getting on this list. I’ll have to check with the library about a seed swap. We have an active Master Gardeners group, so I should check with them, soo. And FB… hmmm… maybe I’ll look there, too.
Any idea how to find those Texans here? Its a big state, so I imagine I’m not the only one!
Generally, a new post in Introduce Yourself identifying your location will get others from that area to come out of the woodwork. You can also find folks in there that have already identified themselves as being from Texas. It helps if you add that sort of thing in the title so it’s easy to know at a glance.
Oooooooh, if you find Texas persimmon seeds from tasty wild fruits, that would be nifty! I really want to try growing some of those in my yard. (I live in Utah, so our climates are likely quite similar, except my winters are a little bit colder – zone 7b.)
I know Texas persimmon (Diospyros texana) fruits are black, and the more-common American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) fruits are orange. What kind do you see in your area? I’d be pleased to get seeds from either, but I’d be thrilled to get ones from Diospyros texana. Those have a very small range – basically only Texas. But they’re supposed to taste like persimmons mixed with molasses, and boy, that sounds yummy.
They’re also apparently significantly more drought tolerant than American persimmons – they’re native to a part of Texas that gets only 10 inches of rain per year, with summer temperatures of up to 120 degrees. I really want to try that species!
But heck, any Diospyros species are good Diospyros species . . .
Greetings! Sorry I haven’t been on much, and I’ll spare you the details of how many things appear to be imploding around me these days. The good news is, the box got here safely, I’ve been through it and put in some contributions I’ve been saving up. Mostly local wild species (since that’s what I can gather in quantity), but the real prize is cotton seeds! Everything’s packed up, I just need to know where to send it next, so @VeggieSavage, feel free to drop me a line with your address! And @UnicornEmily, can I be added back in at the bottom?
@Iamadesertcreature Wow, time flew by quickly. I’ll message you
Excellent! Thank you, Jessica!
I’ll add you to the bottom.
Please add me as well.
@VeggieSavage have you received the box?
Yes! It was A TON of awesome stuff! I finished taking out everything I wanted & now I’m putting stuff into it. Hopefully I’ll be done putting everything in a week (Key word Hopefully). I’ve got tons of goodies I plan to add, here’s just some of them.
I also had the chance to better sort some things and Put the correct scientific names (I recombined some Baggies). Took out some empty Trash seeds (I don’t think anyone will miss empty seeds + many very old seeds from 2013).
Wonderful! I’m looking forward to seeing everything!
Your dedication to sharing detailed information is amazing. I’m particularly impressed with how good you are at identifying exact species by scientific name. Thank you for everything that you keep sharing with the community. It’s really cool.
Please add me to the list
Will do!
Thank You! I’ve gotten really good at Plant ID because I did a lot of Wild Foraging where Plant ID is very important. I want to eat the best food possible and the best way I know to do that is to forage or grow it yourself. Also a crazy useful tip, “By their fruits you shall know them” really is a Good way to ID plants , like Litterally! Fruits (With seeds) are infact the best ID feature for Cultivated Squash.
You’re Most Welcome! I’ve learned a lot from this community too ( i:e, Harvesting Immature Squash to Ripen off Vine I learned from you, thank you!). I’m truly blessed to be a part of the incredible GoingToSeed community.
And we’re truly blessed to have you.
I know that this is from a long time ago, and I haven’t been active for a while but, try searching the keyword, Texas in the search option to find other Texans on this app.
I do the same looking for other Floridians, when you search anything by keywords it’ll pull up everything containing the keyword you typed.
It’ll also be cool if there are pages made in this community by state so we can easily find each other and if this wanted to can find others in a separate post/page