…some need that cold stratification for a few weeks…not sure if pawpaw does…
indeed! Pawpaws need cold stratification (Even the Florida ones but to a lesser extent).
Dang, the pink lady apple, sour orange, and kumquat seeds all got moldy in the fridge. They can’t go into the seed box now.
Is there something that I did wrong? I was wondering how you process your apple, (cold stratified) seeds? For next time.
I let them all dry a little bit on their own napkins, so they all wouldn’t go in too wet, and had them in their own canning jars.
As I eat apples, I collect seeds on a towel to air dry. This is where I’ll put them away to store as needed. When I have a good number, I wet a paper towel, spread the seeds on half of the paper towel and put it in a plastic storage container and into the back of hte fridge. I note date on tape on the lid. After about 3 months, usually they all have roots and I genetly put them in a big bucket full of soil, spread out, and cover with a thin layer of soil. I’ve sprouted over 100 apple trees this way, though so far only 1 has transplanted successfully into my yard. I’m iterating!
I’m wondering if I can get on the seed swap list now?
Sure, I’ll add you!
Thank you, Emily!
You are very welcome! I’m glad to have you here!
Thank you, I will definitely try it like that when we go through more of our apples and citrus. I would love to put them in the seed box, especially if the next person is interested in them
That’s great! So that’s what they look like while they are still viable?
I’m soaking it tonight, we’ll see if it sprouts. They tend to get shriveled when they’re dead. Two of the tiny seeds just crumbled when I opened them up.
Thank you! That is helpful information to know!
I pulled five seeds. Two were small and thin, and were obviously dead. Three looked good, sank overnight and are now planted.
Again, these seeds are at least 3 months old, although there’s a chance they’re over a year and came from last year’s lemons.
Soaking them overnight and seeing if they sink sounds like a solid idea.
The box is here!

If you’re next, DM me with your address!
Here are the seeds I’m adding. @LarimarHomestead I think you’re next and if your address hasn’t changed, I believe I have it. Just please confirm that you are ready to receive the box! Thanks
Hi there! We are all ready over here, thank you for the update
Oohhh exciting! I’ll pm you my address @LarimarHomestead so you’ll already have it. Lol not to rush you!
We put them in a jar on the counter. When we’re ready to stratify, we’ll move them to moist soil in a baggy to go in the fridge or straight into the air bed.
I’ve found that things tend to mold in the fridge, so I’ve been more hesitant about using paper towels for seeds. If I do that, I’ll add a bit of hydrogen peroxide to inhibit mold growth. Lately, I’ve been more interested in using moist sand instead of paper.
I’ve heard moist paper towels tend to cause mold, just in general. Moist soil from the back yard and/or compost tends to work better.
Hee hee, now that makes me wonder if moist stratifying seeds by sticking them into a bag full of moist wood chips and wine cap mushroom spawn would be a good idea.