I just went through my seed stash. I had to laugh at myself because I got my goingtoseed seeds and an EFN seed order in the mail this week. Then pulling out and going through the stash I found a package from Victory seed that I ordered a while back. Apparently I just opened it to look and dropped the package into the stash. So it was like I got to open that package twice!
Here is what I have that will be going into the box from me when I get it.
Pig pen volunteer pumpkin, maxima. Zero care, zero watering, almost no rain.
Georgia candy roaster, maxima.
Blue hubbard, maxima -huge!
Moschata pumpkin
Bouquet wildflower mix
Radish, Japanese Wasabi
And several packets of tomato seed that I realized I’ll never get to and are no longer in the goals of my wants/needs of tomatoes.
Thanks to whoever put the huge variety of bean seeds in a while back! When the box got to me last time there was just a few seed of each variety. So I was able to take them and make a pole bean grex and a bush bean grex. With all the little packets I’ve reused them to package the squash seeds that I’m putting back into the box.
What info is desired on seeds added to the box? I got little paper coin envelopes b/c I like these things, and I label with what it is and the year I harvested/ collected the seeds. E.g. Red Bell Pepper 2023, Pumpkin 2024. Anything else?
An update, we received the seed box yesterday, and hope to have it moving along by this weekend.
I was wondering: if I could add some of my backup heritage sour dough starter, it’s 239+ years and if sourdough starter could be landraced too?
As every sourdough starter will develop there own flavors in the final products that they create, and they utilize wild yeast in their environment and on the flour used when you feed it.
I also have the hopes of creating this new category in the seed box to turn my sourdough starter into a Frankenstein starter.
Heck, let’s make it a permanent category! That sounds awesome!
A permanent category for spores of tasty fungus species would be nifty, too. Dried spore prints and air-dried (not baked) mushroom caps can be used to share viable spores, right?
I’m currently adding wine cap mushroom spawn to my garden. If I get lots of delicious mushrooms from that (please please please! ), I’d be happy to share spores with other people later. Mushroom spawn has to be kept moist, but spores can be dried, right?
Speaking of which, what kind of flavor does your sourdough starter have right now, Alexis? I’m very interested in getting some, too.