My garden challenge this year is to build up a small pantry. The last 2 years I have just been focusing on learning how to grow food in the first place, but this year I’ve been able to grow enough tomatoes already to can some and I’m so happy!
Wouldn’t it be fun to start a little pantry photo thread to keep each other inspired?
I can start with my first humble shelf of tomatoes and dried squash, aubergine, bottle gourd and pickles.
Plus the base shelf of my pumpkin rack starting to fill up. [edit the shelf is now full! 150kg or so of squash and citron melon]
In the root cellar I have 6kg of blue potations, 5 liters of dried fava beans, 1 liter of lima beans, 1 liter of cowpeas, 6 jars of mulberry jam plus 35 liters of mulberry wine (waiting to be bottled) from the spring harvest.
Organic pizza sauce crafted with tomatoes, garlic, onion, and herbs from out my front door. Most excellent! Fantastic idea for a post demonstrating the power of the home garden!
I take full responsibility for my actions, and I don’t mean to be a trendsetter! Please, folk, do NOT use bookshelves for squash. Bookshelves are meant to hold books! We can’t allow the abundance of the harvest to dim our best judgment. No squashitecture allowed!
I can’t stop looking at the emoji pillow in @polarca’s “couch pantry”. It gets too close to my emotional reaction looking at these pictures and hearing her stories.
They have done well here as well, but of course I am always interested in exchanging genetic material — I assume it was part of your population, so it possibly got all mixed up, right? Mine was planted together with all others.