I am using the Discourse app to access this community. It has started behaving very strangely. It now asks me to connect by entering my username and password each time. Sometimes this then takes me to the community, via an authorisation page, and sometimes it simply bounces me out. When this happens I have to delete the app and reinstall it. Bizarre!
Any clues as to what might be going on?
I just use the browser(firefox) instead of an app.
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Hi Ray, we changed landing url to goingtoseed.discourse.group. It is supposed to be a seamless re-direct but sounds like not. I’m passing your message on to the Discourse support team, sorry for the hassle, and let me know if it’s gotten better after you reinstalled the app.
Ah, thanks Julia. I might reinstall the app using the new landing URL to see if this solves the problem. I suspect it will.
I had log in problems last week as well, but it has settled down. Shrugs. I use a web browser.