What I have

I have fairly large amounts of a few varieties of rice:
Java Long Grain
Purple Jomon
Cho Seun Zo Saeng
Ao Mari Wase(I forget the full name, it’s on the jar.)
A few others, but I’ll have to pull the bins out to make a proper list. I should have a few new ones every year as I do grow outs. Varieties are grown in in blocks, but I don’t take any particular care to separate them. Rice doesn’t cross easily and so far I haven’t seen signs of it. Next season I’m going to try to force at least one cross.

Mixed C. Maxima seeds. Mostly flattened pumpkin shapes.

Various tomatoes. I mostly look for largish cherry types for drying, but we have a bunch of different ones. Planting style same as rice.

I’ll probably have more Nelumbo(water lotus) seed soon, if I don’t get run off when I gather it in town.

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OOh! The rices sound nice! Do you suspect the Grocery Store Rice can also grow? What do the rice seeds for Planting look like? Do the grocery stores dehusk-Dehull it somehow? Take a picture of the rice you got, I might like a mix of everything. Haven’t researched Rice yet, so feel free to share what you know.

Interesting, What colors? How did the Squash Taste? Are the mostly flat like the Flat White Boer Pumpkin?

Various Largish cherry tomatoes for Drying? Really? Cherry Style Tomatoes work great for drying? I thought the Roma/Plum type tomatoes were used for drying as they have a higher dry-flesh matter content compared to the more juicy cherry tomatoes. Are you Tomatoes juicy or more dry flesh like a Cherry shaped Roma/Plum Style tomato?

OOOOO!!! That right there was a Wild Edible I’ve been wanting to find for quite some time! Yea most definetly get those seeds if you get the chance! I’d love to trade you something for that!

I’m also so happy you’ve made a list! Any other kinds of Edible Crops or Wild Edibles?

Sometimes brown rice will sprout. Rice for planting has the hulls on it. It’s different from barley, oats, or spelt. The hulls fit tightly on the individual grains.

The squash are green, pink, and red/orange. The biggest one is somewhat shaped like Rouge vif d’Etampes. I haven’t tried these. The one the seeds came from were sweet, dense, and mostly fiberless with yellow-orange flesh.

Most cherry types are juicy, but some were developed to dry. Principe Borghese is the main one I grow, but also Black Cherry, and every year I try a few different ones. This year Vilm’s Paste and Aosta Valley were good drying and paste types.

I’ll let you know when I get lotus seeds again. I have a bunch of other things, but these are the ones I have a lot of seed for.
Oh, lots of American Persimmon too. Still in the persimmons at the moment.

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Thanks for the info. I found feral Barley wild foraging on a forrest edge. There’s no weird hulless thing going here is there?

Nice! Send me a lil mix of everything when you open up your squash (It’s likely they also taste similar, I’ll wait till your ready so no rush).

That’s AWESOME! So someone else also had the idea for Cherry sized Roma style drying tomato. If you saved some seeds from the drying tomatoes, I’d love them (Especially if they were delicious!).

Awesome! What other things have you saved seeds for? I’m looking for anything edible (Especially if delicious). I’d love to get more American Persimmon diversity, any traits you noticed about your American Persimmons (Fruit ripens Early-Late, Dry or Juicy, Big & Fat or more Acorn Shaped, Flavor & Taste, and any other traits?)

Where are you located? It could give me an idea of the wild edibles you may have access to (I assume your somewhere in the eastern U.S. due to American Lotus & Persimmon).

From wild seeds, I’m especially looking to find

  • Any White or Purple Flowering Black Locusts (Robinia spp.)
  • Pawpaw, especially from good tasting cultivars (Asimina triloba)
  • Any Wild Plum (Prunus spp.)
  • Dame’s Rocket (Hesperis matronalis)
  • Highway Mustard (Coincya monensis)
  • Strawberry Spinach (Blitum spp.)
  • Good King Henry (Blitum bonus-henricus)
  • Maple-Leaf Goosefoot ( any Chenopodiatsrum spp.)
  • Oak-Leaf Goosefoot ( any Oxybasis spp.)
  • Cherokee Swamp Potato (Oxypolis rigidior)
  • Sweet Cicely (Osmorhiza claytonii or any other Osmorhiza species)
  • Helvula Beans (Strophostyles helvula)
  • Prairie Turnip (Psoralea esculenta)
  • Perennial Sweet Peas (Any Delicious Edible Lathyrus spp.)
  • Wild GroundCherry ( any Physalis spp.)
  • Wild Black Nightshade, especially good tasting (Solanum nigrum Complex)
  • Any Delicious Wild Raspberries, like Thimbleberry, Salmonberry (Rubus spp.)
  • Any wild Strawberry (Fragaria spp.)
  • Any Wild Delicious Gooseberry/Currant ( any Ribes spp.)
  • Any Huckleberry (Gaylussacia spp.)
  • Wild Passionfruit (Passiflora incarnata)
  • Any Delicious Bellflower ( any Campanula spp.)
  • Purple Poppy Mallow (Callirhoe involucrata)
  • Wild Canada Garlic (Allium canadense)
  • Wild Leek (Allium tricocum)
  • Bugleweed (Lycopus spp.)

From Domesticated Edibles, I’m lookin for

  • Any Delicious Sweet Melon (Cucumis melo)
  • Any Delicious Sweet Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
  • Any other Solanceae or Cucurbitaceae Family Edible Crops

We’re in southern Indiana at the farthest limit of the central Appalachian ecozone.

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Oh nice! Lots of the East Coast Wild Edibles you will have access too!