What if the Landrace Community had a way of swapping seed as effective as this Scion Exchange (based in France)?

I want to recommend a site for those of you who graft and are looking for specific varieties of fruit trees for breeding projects. And at the same time, I post this as an inspiration for how seed exchanges could be made more effective.

LINK here: http://e-fruitiers.net

E-fruitiers is a French-language network for sharing scions for grafting with members mostly in France and Belgium. The site is pretty clunky and not so well-designed (running on Wordpress), but it is one of my favorite places to exchange plant material. Members exchange scions freely on a basis “you send me something from your orchard, I send you something you want from mine in return”.

The best thing is you can search the whole site for all the varieties currently and previously offered, which makes it one of the most comprehensive databases of interesting cultivars I know of. When you find the variety you’re looking for, the site indicates you has it on offer and you can then browse those members lists to see what else they have that might be of interest. From there, you contact a member to ask if they’re interested to send the scions you’re interested in.

This kind of search capability is something the seed sharing community could benefit a lot from. I’m not a tech-wizard. But if there’s anyone out there with funding or in need of ideas for how to draw more people into landracing, I think well-functioning seed exchanges is the most powerful magnet.


Absolutely agree. I think the value of organized information is highly underappreciated. I have some outdated knowledge in basic web design, but not nearly enough for the type of site features you (and I) are envisioning. However I bet there are plenty of useful templates out there to start off with. I’d be willing to be part of whatever team collaborates to make this happen.

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The French site reminds me (in theory) of Freecycle + Craigslist over here in the US.

It seems like it wouldn’t be a stretch to use our “Sharing Seeds” category like this. Instead of random titles like are currently happening, folks could do something like “ISO: Pecan varieties” where “ISO” is a common acronym on swap sites to mean “In Search Of”, or “Offering: Fruit Tree Seeds/Scions/Cuttings/Etc.” or even just “Wanted: Pecan varieties”. More simple perhaps.

Do you feel like a totally new forum would be needed for it or could a Category + Tags be usable?


Or we could even make a category called “The Exchange” since it wouldn’t be Just seeds. Just tossing ideas. I really like the site you posted.

People could put their Offerings or Wanteds in their profile or even their signature so you could see what they have to offer/desire.


Jens, I agree with your assessments and like your ideas a lot too. The ‘Sharing Seed’ category makes sense to use. One limitation I see is that it invites members to write posts in either of two ways. One is to offer one type of seed at a time (“Short-season Cucurbita moschata grex on offer”). But when you’re mailing seed to someone, you might as well include other things of interest, right? So the logical thing for me personally, is to identify the people that generally have seed of interest to you (and perhaps vice-versa), either because you have similar climates or interests. And some people do make long lists of what they have to offer for seed. But these threads are a bit difficult to organize and search in. They’re all plain text. A great seed swap site would have some tables to fill out, so you could tailor advanced searches. It would also give the site some interesting data, e.g. what people generally are growing, but this is secondary.

Not sure what the next step would be. But I offer these thoughts to keep the conversation going.

I’ve been thinking for months that I want to start a thread in fall for us to all post what dormant perennials we have available to take cuttings from. I bet a lot of us would love to swap some of those with each other.

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There is a seed swapping website which is even closer to what you want named semeur.fr, here an example of tomatoes.
TOMATE semeur

Sadly on this website they don’t accept varieties which are not described somewhere, like a new variety or a grex. Or at least it was the case a few years ago.
The advantage with this website is that you see the approximate location the people are in, therefore the climate. You also have an overview of all the species/varieties that the person with whom you want to swap seeds has.


Interesting, there is a lot information there. Looks like the webpage was update to https://www.fruitiers.org/

We should use 🌱✌️ Permapeople - Let's plant the future. Research, grow, harvest, trade, share, repeat. as a quick way to starting this. It’s not specifically designed for plant breeding, rather any plant trading.

Not bad! Comes pretty close and seems to have most of the functionality I was looking for: a page for each object (variety, species), a search function, a list for each person what they have to offer, and a messaging function. Have you used it yourself and how has it worked?

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I’ve not used it but a friend of mine has. I believe he sold comfrey root cuttings. As far as I’m aware, you message a person who has what you want and you come to an arrangement as to what you want to do. The site doesn’t dictate the terms of the arrangement AFAIK. I know the owners of the site and can vouch that they’re pretty great people with the right permaculture mind set.


I’ll consider making a user there at some point and try out a few trades to see how the interface and the community works. If you or someone else do too, I’d love to hear your experiences. Something I like about our community here is that people don’t seem to mind just mixing and blending with everyone else - just like we mix and blend everything into our landraces, from heirloom seed to modern F1 hybrids. If someone else made an effort establishing this infrastructure, I can definitely see the benefits of using and strengthening that, instead of making a parallel structure from scratch.

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I agree. Would be simple

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