50% of his food from landrace crops

I’ve been following this guy for years. He’s landracing and building a homestead on 60 acres in Oregon (US) with the goal to produce all his own food.


That’s very personal and beautiful!

I’m lining this guy up as a podcast guest for next year so stay tuned.


Just to share something I heard from the lovely permaculturalist Mike Hoag (who produces most of his family’s food though not grains, in his urban garden on something like 2 or 3 hours work per week if I remember rightly) - in (at least some parts of) the US, it should be possible to grow a complete diet for one person on 0.1 acre. So 1 acre should be able to sustain 10 people. Of course, not everyone wants to grow grains and potatoes, so, many will choose to buy some of their diet and focus on the higher priced items like vegetables. But anyway I thought it would be worth sharing that info, in case anyone was worried that they might need a lot of land.

Here in the UK I’m not sure if we have the right weather for that but I’ve been assuming 0.3 acres per person should perhaps be a safe estimate. Better to have more than one needs just in case, if possible!