Something I’ve been focusing on over the last year is acquiring seed from as many different apple varieties as possible. Im not super attached to named cultivars, but this has helped me to maximize potential diversity when purchasing fruit to eat. I have also been sampling as many wild and unknown cultivars as possible from trees in our area. If it tasted good, I kept the seeds, and harvested more apples to get even more of the seed when possible.
When saving the seed my process has mostly been to soak the fresh-few day old seeds in water to test for viability. Sinkers have been kept, and then dried for a few days. Once dried they have been placed into plastic baggies or small glass jars, and kept refrigerated, or stored in a cool place out of direct light.
I now have almost a dozen containers with different labels, including:
- Skillcult Seeds (purchased)
- @jens Jens crabapples
- Storage Apples mix (Apple seeds taken from late winter 2023 and early spring 2024 storage apples)
- Red/Pink Flesh
- July mix
- August mix
- September mix
- October mix
- November mix
- (Also hoping to create a late hanging apple mix December - February)
The named varieties in many of these mixes include:
- Alwa
- Boiken
- Champion
- Cortland
- Eliza
- Gala
- Golden Delicious
- Goldstar
- Idared
- Jonagold
- Lidol
- Lobo
- Paula Red
- Papirovka
- Rajka
- Topaz
The November mix has the most diversity so far.
My plan is to direct-seed in dense rows similar to what Steven Edholm with Skillcult has done, but with more emphasis on landracing initially. I expect that 1 in 5 seeds will actually sprout in the first year, and 1 in 10 will survive. Out of the survivors I am guessing that 9 out of 10 will be cut out after the first fruitings, as to select for best tasting and other favorable traits.
I am mainly making this post to put a call out to this community to please save your apple seeds, and send them my way! I am hoping to acquire as much genetic diversity as possible before planting out the dense rows. Especially if you have access to anything not already listed above. The hope is that eventually all these trees will begin cross pollinating, and end up creating a true apple grex.
If any of you are interested in doing something similar, then I am happy to share some of the seeds that I have saved and will be saving.
Happy to accept feedback and guidance from you all as well.