I’ve seen books recommended in forums, they looked interesting, I want to collect them in this thread. I’m missing a ton, put your recommendations here!
In a similar vein to Eating on the Wild Side by Jo Robinson, but focusing on seeds, food, and culture.
Dan illustrates the loss of biodiversity in our food systems, and ultimately our cultural identities, through global seed stories. Landrace varieties in local communities are a prevalent theme as well as genetic diversity. It’s a great read for those interested in food history.
Navazio, John - The Organic Seed Grower - A Farmer’s Guide to Vegetable Seed Production - Chelsea Green publishing. The best book I’ve read on seed production, collection and processing, with detailed notes on how to get the best seed from most crops.
Ashworth, Suzanne - Seed to Seed - seed saving and growing techniques for vegetable gardeners - Seed Savers Exchange Inc.
This is the standard text on small garden seed saving, with great information. While we don’t really care very much about isolation distances, the very large isolation distances cited here seem to be based on broad acre commercial farming concerns rather than backyard gardening. The are probably ‘conservative best guesses’ - I’m not sure there is much published research on many of these crops.
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The Seed Garden, by Lee Buttala & the Seed Savers Exchange
Thank you! I have been generally familiar with Deppe’s work but I have never read her books. They came up in the Landrace Lettuce thread as well. I don’t have access to the print books in the library, but although I could ask for an interlibrary loan, I have found all three available electronically for one-hour and 14-day loans through the Internet Archive.