We are getting some rare seeds from the US Department of Agriculture seedbank, unavailable in any catalog! Most are landraces, all are reported to be sweet and mature in under 70 days. Our hope is to grow as many of these as possible this summer, increase the amount of seed, and be able to include any successful seed lines in next year’s mixes. Interested? Fill out this brief form and we’ll get back to you.
Oooh. Can Canadian growers participate? (form entry sent)
I can do some!
thanks Angel! I received your form.
Hi Lee - I got your submission. Not sure if we can include Canadian growers, I’ll be in touch soon. Thank you!
Would some seed be sent back to GRIN? Does the landrace need to be kept isolated or can a person grow other melons without hand pollinating?
I am tempted on the Saskatchewan landrace but I just don’t do all that well with melons and while space isn’t limited, labor (and chicken/deer proofing) is.
I haven’t grown muskmelons in years but I filled out the form!
Hey Wendy, We will send grow reports, but not seeds, back to GRIN. So some crossing is ok, though the primary goal of this project is to increase seed and observe characteristics.