Landrace Gardening Communications Training Group Starting

Hello Everyone,

Julia asked me to put together a communications training group for doing presentations
on landrace gardening (I have taught public speaking etc. etc.) so here’s the first notice.
We’ll send out a reminder and Zoom link closer to the start date.

Communications Training Group Starting March 1

Would you like to develop Landrace Gardening communication skills in presenting-- in person or online, speaking or writing – to neighbors, granting agencies, garden/seed clubs, news outlets, blogs and more?

If yes-- we can do this together! In fact, it will be that much better with all of us pitching in.

In our working sessions, we’ll develop a list of basic questions that we can give a webinar host interviewing us. We’ll also develop a list of additional questions that might be thrown at us.
And we’ll put together a basic presentation template.
Those who wish will prepare and giving a 3-minute talk
or write a 500-word article to an audience of your choice, with group feedback.
In giving feedback, we will be looking for what worked well
and what else might help meet your presentation needs.
We’ll run this group in the same spirit as the rest of the Landrace Gardening Forum.
Joseph Lofthouse will kick off our first meeting, sharing his experiences writing and presenting.

Dates and Time

Time each week

5-6:30 PT, 6-7:30 pm MT, 7-8:30 CT, 8-9:30 ET Please add other continental regions’ times in here.
Zoom link: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Mark your calendars!
Five weeks every other week, online, starting the evening of Wednesday March 1.
Every other Wed. after that: March 15, March 29, April 12, April 26, and May 10
The group can keep going if desired.


Thank you Pam! This is exciting.
For everyone else, Pam wrote this lovely article about our project last year:

@MashaZ and @Lowell_McCampbell you might be interested.


Without Julia’s editing, re-writing, and input, that article could never have been written!

This is wonderful!

Oh sweet! It’s been a long time since I did any sort of presenting and the accompanying thinking-on-my-feet, this will be very welcome!

This is awesome! Can’t wait! :smiley:

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Nice article! Thank you.
May I share the link to it on our seed library’s facebook page?
(facebook dot com/theseedlibrary)

Yes, go for it.

Yes, of course.

Thank you!

Thanks, Pam!

A reminder that this is starting next Wednesday 5:30 pm PST, 8:30 EST.
This is free.
Thank you Pam!

Here is the zoom link : Launch Meeting - Zoom

And Pam would like to remind everybody she’ll be facilitating, not teaching, and everybody is everybody’s teacher.
@Lora @KayEverts

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Hi Pam, will you be recording the sessions? Or will someone be taking notes? I can’t do Wednesday evenings but would like to be able to learn from what the group comes up with.

Thanks for asking. This is a good question for the group right from the start.

And thank you, @Lora@Kay Everts for the reminder that I am facilitating right now, to get this going, not “teacher.”

Oh shoot! That’s exactly when one of my bands rehearses every Wednesday. Possibly will it be recorded for replaying? This sounds great!

I am in the UK so can’t make that time (it’s 1am here!) but would love to join - will recordings be made?

We’ll ask the group at the first meeting about recording. Someone else asked about that, too.

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3 requests now. We’ll ask in the group at the first meeting. Wish there were a perfect time.

You may have just gotten an email saying this will start on March 15. It’s also still happening this evening! Just for a smaller in case there are some details we need to decide on. Feel free to join or start on the next time. Either way, do fill out this short form so we can be in touch by email if dates or times change.

We met last night and made a few decisions: change of day and time:
Every other Tuesday at 4 pm PST, starting March 14.
@KayEverts @MashaZ

For now no recordings, but there may be off-week sessions for people who want extra practice. Would be held during the morning for people who can’t make midnight in the EU. Not recording is because we want people to be comfortable sharing in a small group.

There will be a private Discourse group for people to share their work on continue conversations between meetings.

I’ll add you to the private group if you’ve expressed interest or filled out the form with your email address.

If you are working on writing projects, our format will accommodate that too.