Landrace legislation in the world (Janurary 2024 paper)

Another boring scientific paper :melting_face:… but about landraces!.. and landrace legislation actually… With its historical context. Notions about genetic structure, etc. Definitions. About 20 pages.

It just popped up as I was looking for infos on the 63 kiwano (cucumis metulliferus) accessions of the Eurisco GeneBank, of which about 50 landraces (“300” code)!!! So that is just in Europe… Sounds like crazy to me… so was willing to find any kind of assessment of these as I would not grow all these mixed up without having much info… would not take the risk of having seriously bland fruits in my patch…

This paper just popped up on researchgate as I asked for “kiwano” and “landrace” in the research bar…

Won’t dig up in it that much personnally. but for all purposes… here it is:
Landrace legislation in the world: status and perspectives with emphasis in EU system - January 2024
Landrace_legislation_in_the_world_status_and_persp.pdf (1.3 MB)


Curious of these kiwanos or the Eurisco database? About what is in the european fridges, as far as Kiwanos are concerned…
Just type in Cucumis
then metuliferus
Here how it looks like at this stage:

And then it is sorted by country
I nearly started with a fruitful search, in Spain: 40 accessions
Of which about 30 landraces or so.

In the SAMPSTAT column there is a code for landraces: it is “300

Found 9 other accessions in Germany, 2 in Hungary, 5 in Romania, and 7 in the UK.

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I am reading the landrace legislation document you linked to now. I am currently on page 5 and wanted to give you my first thought.

It looks like in 1942 they set the conditions and incentives up in such a way that caused the decay of plant genetics.

If you tell people, the money is here, they go there. Landrances are too broad to give them the protection they needed according to those rules.

If they had not set up any plant protections at all, I would estimate we would have retained significantly more varieties.

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This is the money leaderboard right here:

I might see if I can pull it up in a spreadsheet and sort it by name of applicant and see who has the largest share of applications.

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“In France, regulations for seeds marketing are quite strict, except for old vegetable varieties that can be marketed in, however, very small amounts only for home gardening to enhance their conservation.” PG 27

Wow, they are not allowing this because it’s the right thing to do, or because people should have freedom of choice. They are allowing this so the gardeners will enhance their conservation while at the same time being a source of revenue. Are real farmers not allowed this freedom of choice?

“In EU, there are restrictions connected with the area of origin: the production should be taking place only in that area, the quantity of seed to be marketed yearly as percentage of cultivars quantity, and other restrictions related with seed packaging and phytosanitary measures. Such requirements make the trade of landraces’ seeds quite difficult.” PG 27

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